Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Skeletons on Mila Xa.

A skeleton was the support structure for an animal.


In 2266, James T. Kirk and Dr. Krisp discovered a room full of skeletons inside Saeena's tomb on Mila Xa, the remains of the 319 people who disappeared while attempting to rob the tomb. They had been placed there to frighten off intruders. (TOS comic: "The Haunted Asteroid")

The skeletons of the androids found on planet Mudd were constructed of a beryllium-titanium alloy. (TOS episode: "I, Mudd")

In the 2360s, a skull-faced alien was part of Lieutenant Worf's Klingon calisthenics program. (TNG episode: "The Emissary")

In 2381, personnel from the USS Cerritos came across the skeletal remains of Spock 2 in Kerner Hauze's collection in 2381, as well as those of Abraham Lincoln. (LD episode: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Assimilated skeleton

A Borg skeleton drone on Pyris VII in 2411.

In 2411, the Devidians invaded Castle Pyris, an outpost of the ornithoid Old Ones on Pyris VII, and stole their transmuter wand. This caused mythical creatures to come to life, including undead, animated skeletons as well as witches. Skeletons and dark skeletons roamed chambers and corridors. The transmuter technology rendered the skeletons invulnerable to any weapons used by the Khitomer Alliance away team that arrived to assist the Old Ones. However, the skeletons became vulnerable when stepping into candlelight. Their leader was the Skeleton Lord, who made their base in a crypt-like room. The skeletons were armed with mêlée weapons. (STO - House Divided mission: "Cat's Tale")

The skeletons trapped Old One Livia, who was rescued by the Alliance. (STO - Ascension mission: "Skeleton Crew")

Known skeletons[]



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