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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Romulan bird-of-prey was a type of Romulan Star Empire starship, a bird-of-prey in Imperial Fleet service in the 22nd century.

History and specifications[]

These vessels were most notably in service as combatant vessels during the Earth-Romulan War. Unlike the more streamlined type of 22nd century bird-of-prey also in use during this period, this type of bird-of-prey was cylindrical in shape, and had two cigar-shaped warp nacelles attached aft of amidships on either side of the hull. (ST reference: Star Trek Chronology)

Like most types of Romulan vessels, these birds-of-prey displayed the blue-green device of a winged predator on the underbelly of its hull. In the year 2159, Starfleet was able to gain an image of one of these types of bird-of-prey. This image was later displayed by James T. Kirk during a Federation History class at Starfleet Academy in 2251. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic)

In 2371, the crew of Deep Space 9 discovered a Romulan bird-of-prey from the 22nd century within the Bajoran wormhole. The artificial quantum singularity drive of the vessel cause the wormhole to emit an electromagnetic pulse. (DS9 comic: "Last Remains")



Starship classes of the Earth-Romulan War
United Earth, Starfleet Arrow • Assist • Cavalry • Christopher • Cosmos • Daedalus • Discovery • Doppler (scout) • Edison • Galliant • Ganges • Hopkins • Horizon • Intrepid (22nd century) • Liberty (picket cruiser) • Long • Marshall • Mercury (scout) • Messier • Minuteman • NX • Poseidon • Strider • Verne • Vanguard (transport) • Yorktown • Zeus Emblem of United Earth. Seal of the Earth Starfleet.

Emblem of Alpha Centauri. Andorian emblem. Emblem of Tellar. Emblem of Vulcan.

Coalition of Planets allies Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets: Djartanna • Zoenamy Andorian Empire: Kumari • Taholsin • Tanathooef • Thofsin
United Planets of Tellar: Degbaxis • G'buqoff • Phinda Confederacy of Vulcan: D'Kyr • Suurok • Toj Lol
Romulan Star Empire, Imperial Fleet 22nd century bird-of-prey • 2150s bird-of-prey • late-2150s bird-of-prey • 22nd century cargo ship • biogenic transport • Alocala • Battlehawk • Hathos • Klivai Vang'radai • Morlasam Cl'vangas • Re'ravsam • Skyhawk • Stelai'deletham • S'ten Talasam • Swarm • Swiftwing • Takaan • T'Liss • Vas'maklaram • Vas'rosvlai • Vastagor Vastarum • Vastari Sanalam Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Bird-of-prey classes
Romulan birds-of-prey 2150s • late-2150s bird-of-prey • 22nd century • 23rd century (Kelvin timeline) • Ferrax • T'varo • T'Liss • Vas Hatham • Temar Vastaram • D'vas Romulan insignia image.
Reman birds-of-prey T'varo Romulan insignia image.
Klingon birds-of-prey 22nd century • 2260s • 23rd century (Kelvin timeline) • M'Chla • B'rel • Chuq'Beh • D12 • D'Gavama • E4 • E6 • G2 • Khitomer • K'vort • QuD • Z'gavasta • Z'gavva • QulDun • Norgh • Ki'tang • Hegh'ta Klingon insignia image.
Romulan starship classes
Romulan language names Alocala • Amarcan • Amosarr • Aye Mosaram • Baydron • Caladan • Comilius • D'delitham • D'deridex • D'dredar • Delitham • Delon Vastam • Deresus • D'gerok • D'Kazanak • Draconarius • D'renet • D'retex • D'ridren • D'sera • D'seren • D'tavan • D'theros • D'valek • D'vanga • D'vas • D'viret • D'virin • D'Vorix • Dhelan • Ferrax • Galan Stelri • Ganum • Golgaroth • Graffler • Hathos • Horos • Ivarix • Kelkarrum • Khnial • Klivai Vang'radai • Lanora • Llaihr • Llaiir'Dhael • Mandukam • Meret • Mogai ~ Norexan • Moorabbin • Morlasam Cl'vangas • Morlasasi Stelam • Mularr • Narvasam'al • Nei'hrr • Nelvek • Nir'at • N'renix • Ocala Sindari • Phaeros • Praex • Prelar • Ralaaram Ocala • Ralek • Ranajmar • Ras Lovah • R'daran • R'derex • Re'ravsam • Reemea • Revastal • R'tan • Sehin Morlatta • Serex • Sethen • Shirekral • Stelai'deletham • S'ten Vastam • T'varo • S'ten Talasam • Takaan • Takara Morlatta • Talas Mosarum • Temar Vastaram • Temar Vastari • Thalan • Theron • Tirethi • T'kairin • T'kassan • T'korex • T'Liss • T'rasus • T'varo • Ustalam Stelas • Vadak • Vadaso Stelri • Vas Hatham • Vas Hatham (scout) • Vas'deletham • Vas'kalabam • Vas'maklaram • Vas'rosvlai • Vastagor Lattam • Vastagor Vastarum • Vastam Cl'vangas • Vastari Sanalam • Vasteme • Veles • Venator • Ventarix • Veranal • Vercaal • Verelan Vastarum • Vereleus • Vespin • Vidian • Vithrel • V'geren • V'gurin • V'tana • V'tir • Valdore Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Translated names (Akif) • Battlehawk • "Bird of Paradise" • Bird of Prey • Bird of Prey (scout) • Centurion (cruiser) • Bright One • Comet of Destruction • Deathsting • Death Talon • Death Flyer • Defender of Stars • Dreadnaught • Enhanced Fire • Executioner • Explosive Avenger • Falcon • Free Flight • Fire Swarm • Gallant Carrier • Gallant Wing • Graceful Flyer • Great Defender • Great Bird • Griffin • Gryphon • Harpy • Hawk • Heavy Defender • Hunter • Imperial Hawk • Imperium • (Kalath) • Kestrel • (K'hanakh) • (K't'inga) • Legion • Little Nest • Night Flyer • Nightwing • Nova • Phoenix • Praetor • Praetorian • Protector • Raptor • Scimitar • Senator • Shadow • Shrieking Bird • Shrike • Silver Bird • Skyfire • Snipe • Star Seeker • Starglider • Starlifter • Stormbird • Swarm • Swift Wing • Talon ~ Theta • Traitorous Enemy • Unbound Brother • Vengeance • Vigilant One • War Eagle • Whitewind ~ Whitewing • Wind Carrier • Wing of Doom • Wing of Vengeance • Winged Defender • Wings of Justice
Alphanumeric names B-type warbird • CS2 • (D7 • D7 Akif • D7M) • E5 • H4 • H5 • I4 • I7 • J2 • J3 • J4 • J8 • (K3) • M4 • M8 • N1 • N2 • N5 • N8 • P2 • P3 • P8 • P12 • Q1 • Q4 • R1 • R4 • S3 • S4 • S9 • S11 • T2 • T5 • T10 • Theta • U4 • U7 • U9 • U13 • U15 • U21 • V1 • V2 • V4 • V5 • V6 • V7 • V8 • V9 • V11 (D7) • V20 • V24 • V27 • V30 ~ V31 • Z1
By time period or type biogenic transport • 22nd century bird-of-prey • 2150s bird-of-prey • late-2150s bird-of-prey • 23rd century bird-of-prey • late 23rd century bird-of-prey • 24th century bird-of-prey • 25th century bird-of-prey • attack raptor • battlecruiser • 22nd century cargo ship • 24th century cargo ship • colony ship • construction ship • mining freighter • repair ship • science vessel


The novel Republic suggests that such vessels operated on impulse power and used atomic weapons, which might seem incongruous compared to the use of warp drive by Romulan vessels of this era during Star Trek: Enterprise. The appearance of this ship type in DS9 comic: "Last Remains" also refers to a more sophisticated drive mechanism, utilizing a quantum singularity. However, it is entirely possible that portions of the Romulan fleet may be outfitted differently.

Appearances and references[]
