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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Plomeek soup Venture

Spock eating plomeek soup.

Plomeek soup is a food made by the Vulcan civilization, a type of soup made from plomeek. Different preparations of this dish also include plomeek broth.


Plomeek soup was a vegetarian dish made with numerous blended Vulcan vegetables. During traditional festive occasions, it was adorned with a dollop of sour cream fashioned in the shape of a spiral galaxy, with finely chopped leaves like parsley sprinkled along the dollop's edge. As a daily dish, the soup was served ungarnished or topped with a spoonful of butter. (TOS reference: Official Cooking Manual)

Various regional recipes were developed on Vulcan. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)

Plomeek soup a la Pierre was served in Paris at the Maison Colline. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)

One preparation approximated with Earth ingredients was made with diced tomatoes, strawberries, an apple, balsamic vinegar, and Greek yogurt or cream. Garnished with a strawberry, apple, or cubed tomato, it paired well with a green salad or creamy cheeses. (ST reference: The Star Trek Cookbook)

Aboard USS Voyager, Neelix experimented with available Delta Quadrant ingredients to prepare an acceptable version for Tuvok. (Fact Files Issue 146: "File 96, Card 9: A-Z Access Point: Plomeek soup", VOY episode: "Faces") Neelix's first attempt, using Bothan fire beans, proved too spicy. He eventually developed a satisfactory adaptation named '"plomeek soup a la Neelix". Comparable Earth ingredients for his recipe included white beans, water, onion, bay leaf, kabocha squash, green beans, zucchini, spinach, garlic, curry, and nutmeg. He also came up with a sweeter-tasting variant made with ingredients comparable to whole pumpkin, zucchini, and sweet potato. (ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook)


In the 2260s decade, Commander Spock and Nurse Christine Chapel crafted a recipe using ingredients commonly available aboard the USS Enterprise, so that it was available via the ship's food synthesizers. Their version combined butter, onions, carrots, turnips, potatoes, tomato paste, water, garlic, salt, spices, and parsley. (TOS reference: Official Cooking Manual)

In the 2270s, plomeek soup continued to be one of many dishes prepared in the food processor units aboard the Enterprise. (TOS reference: Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise)

In the year 2274, the chef aboard the USS Venture served Rigellian tarpon and plomeek soup to the command staff of the Venture and Enterprise while both ships were at the Hus-24 drydock. Spock considered the soup's preparation to be superb. (TOS comic: "Husian Gambit")

After 2370, plomeek soup was available via Deep Space 9's replicators. (Fact Files Issue 146: "File 96, Card 9: A-Z Access Point: Plomeek soup", DS9 episode: "The Maquis")

In 2371, on Vulcan plomeek soup was variously available from restaurants near the chambers of the Vulcan Council in ShiKahr to a street vendor's cart in Ta'vistar. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)

Engineer Arlea McHugh was having a bowl of plomeek soup at a café in ShiKahr when she overheard a young Vulcan woman say jolan tru to a server, realizing that she must be a Romulan. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Planetary Adventures mission: The Enemy You Know)

On Earth plomeek soup was available at the Five Stars café in San Francisco. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)

Thoth, an alien formerly worshipped as a god by the ancient Egyptians, found plomeek soup "intriguing" during a visit aboard the USS Excalibur. (NF novel: Being Human)

Sellassars, the Kendarayan envoy who visited the Federation in 2372, was fond of plomeek soup. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: That Sleep of Death)

Leskit enjoyed the plomeek soup served at the restaurant Vulcan Cuisine in the First City on Qo'noS. (KE novel: A Burning House)



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Plomeek broth[]

Plomeek soup[]

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