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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Pictae.

Pictae was a star with an associated star system, located in the Gasko sector of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. Pictae was a class F white star, located inside the space claimed by the Romulan Star Empire. The survivors of the USS Enterprise-C from two timelines lived out their existence here. (STO - Yesterday's War mission: "Survivor")


In the 24th century, this system was the site of a Tal Shiar prison facility for individuals who were valuable enough to keep and not to kill.

When Natasha Yar attempted to escape with her child Sela from Romulus, Yar and the other Enterprise-C prisoners captured at the Battle of Narendra III were relocated to the camp on planet Pictae.

Following the Hobus supernova in 2387, the Tal Shiar abandoned the system but left prisoners and guards behind.

In 2411, the Tholian Assembly attempted to kill the remaining survivor to eradicate temporal anomalies sprouting on Pictae and it's orbit. The lone survivor, T'nae, was rescued by Temporal Agent Timot Danlen, Sela, and their Alpha Quadrant Alliance escort, rendering the system truly abandoned. (STO - Yesterday's War mission: "Survivor")

System makeup[]

Pictae system primary star



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (P)
P4T-16 Singularity • Paegan • Padora • Paggaru • Pagox • Pal's Star • Palgrenax • Palimer • Pallas 14 • Pallas 785 • Pallus • Palvarlion • Pandira • Pan'neth • Pantera • Paradane • Paradox • Paramindas 575 • Paranon • Pareleon • Pari • Parides • Parka • Parlur • Parmun • Parox • Parras • Parsentes • Parsion • Parvo • Parvok • Parziun • Pasadoran • Pasara Majoris • Pascal • Pasha • Patera • Patra Tor • Patria • Patton • Pava • Pedara • Pele Vortex • Pelham • Pelione • Pella • Pel'vor • Pelavos • Pelkaid • Pellion • Pem • Penchan • Penrek • Penta Dora • Penta Elva • Penta Gara • Penta Kiren • Penta Lema • Penta Mela • Penta Mori • Penta Viri • Pentam • Pentara • Pentarus • Pentis • Pentox • Penvada • Peralax • Perena • Peripon • Pernen • Perren • Perrex • Perriaz • Perrien • Perseant Alpha • Per'teth • Perxier • Petra • Peyoris • Peyra • Phad • Phaedus • Phara • Pharos 625 • Phax • Phenro • Pherod • Phi • Phi Delta • Phi Kappa • Phi Puma • Phicus • Phidian • Phillo'tok • Phi Unicornis • Phon'tek • Phriden • Phygma • Piachi • Pilar • Pilar • Pildera • Pilkor • Pinav • Pinikou • Piras Zeta • Pirzon • Piser • Pit of Gilgamesh • Pitcara Prime • Pithecus Majorus • Pi'vara • Pledora • Plemox • Pleth'ra • Pluro • Pochian • Poketa • Polidex • Polin • Polira • Pollox • Pol'tara • Polluxara • Pol'vadi • Polydorus • Polymax • Po'mek • Ponzox • Porabon • Porrima • Porsuk • Porxien • Posara • Posel • Posell • Poservoz • Poth'mek • Pran • Praetus • Pravian • Preficon • Prentu • Prezan • Primidara • Priox • Prometheus • Protari • Proteus • Protof • Providence • Proxman • Proxus • PSR 418-D/1015.3 • Pukier • Pulol • Puniex • Puriaz • Putak • Puxam • Puxas • PX1N4-152 Singularity • Pyra • Pyren • Pyrimiis • Pyris Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (P) Pegasus Major • Peliar Zel • Pelios • Pentath • Penthara • Persephone • Peyit • Portas • Prexnak • Priam • Prijipati • Prosenna • Psi-5 Aurigae • Psi Serpentis • Pyrellia • Pyrithia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (P) p Eridani • Pagh • Pahvo • Pallor • Parsus Indi • Paxar • Peren • Perithees • Phardos • Pheben • Phi Virginis • Phylos • Pi Hydrae • Pi Mensae • Pi-3 Orionis • Pictae • P'Jem • Pollus • Pollux • P'rang • Priors • Procyon • Procyon A • Proxima • Proxima Canaris • Psi Cancri • Psi Velorum Beta Quadrant icon image.
Romulan stars and star systems
1 Centauri • 12 Canum Venaticorum • 123 Trianguli (123 Trianguli A • 123 Trianguli B) • 128 Trianguli (128 Trianguli A • 128 Trianguli B) • 139 Persei (139 Persei A • 139 Persei B) • 17 Circini • 34 Aquarii • 6 Arietis • 74 Tauri • 78.56/3.54/23.44 • 8 Canum Venaticorum • Abraxas • Achernar • Acrux • Aerimea • Aesir • Aesuri • Agurtha • Ain • Alatum • Algorab • Alpha Aquarii • Alpha Canum Venaticorum • Alpha Chamaeleonis • Alpha Circini • Alpha Eridani • Alpha Hydri • Alpha Onias • Alpha Pictoris • Alpha Volantis • Altanea • Arachnae • Artaleirh • Argentomea • Atrius • Avior • Belak system • Berak • Bestari • Beta Arietis • Beta Canum Venaticorum • Beta Reticuli • Beta Volantis • Biruin • B'lev • Blys • Brenott • Brutus • Buqret • Bu'uli Tev • Caerulum • Carraya • Chaltok • Chara • Cillers • Constina • Cor Caroli • Corill • Corvus system • D'deridex • Dasha Verta • Dauouuy • Davidul • Delta Corvi • Delta Hydri • Delta Phoenicis • Delta Velorum • Demos • Devoras • Devorren • Dewa • Didacti • Dixiak • D'Korin • Draken • Drovna • Dumok'azen • Eisn binary system (Eisn • Eisn B) • Ennar • Epsilon Carinae • Epsilon Phoenicis • Epsilon Tauri • Eta Antliae • Eta Corvi • Eta Crucis • Eta Horologii • Eta Tauri • Eye of Grun • Eye of Ket-Cheleb • Fang'kor • Farlorn • Felussus • Ferraria • Gacrux • Gaius • Galorndon Core • Gamma Crateris • Gamma Crucis • Gamma Mensae • Gamma Tucanae • Garadius • Gasko • Geilod • Gentara • Geries • Glintara • Gorat • Gotanna • Gotara • Gradientes • Haakona • Hobus • Hoover • Huebr • Hybera • i Centauri • Iota Carinae • Iota Hydri • Isip • Izanagi • Jaq • Jenjor • Jeuaiei • Jezerek • Justarus • Kaisu • Kapor'At • Kappa Tucanae • Karnas • Kavka • Ke Kwanus • Kerxiek • Ket-cheleb binary system (Ket-cheleb A • Ket-cheleb B) • Kevratas • Khazara system • Kir • Kolbr HaFul • Koltiska • Korvat • Kraatu • Krotar • Lambda Crateris • Langus • Lempo • Leughon • Llorrac • Lloyd • Mada • Makar • Medusa system • Melik • Menkent • Mewudoh • Mira Maj • Miridian • Mu Horologii • Mu Velorum • Nabok • Nasturta • Nequencia • New Otha • Nipaj • Novak • Nu Octantis • Oppidum Frumenti • Ossec • Otha Prime • Pallor • Parka • Paxar • Peren • Pi Mensae • Pictae • Pollus • Posel • Praorum • Prosenna • Psi Velorum • Quatel • Rana Nur • Rator • Redansk • Regulus • Rho Tucanae • Rho Virginis • Rikel • Robeton • Romii system • Romulus (Romulus A • Romulus B) • Rooth • Rosec • Roulean • Ruchbah • Salieh • Samnar • Sandal • Sankrax • Santora • Sar'kell • Sheratan • Sines • Soltaris • Stagnimea • Stelam Deletham • Sufiday • Stelam Rom'lnz binary system (Stelam Rom'lnz A • Stelam Rom'lnz B) • Strezhi • Talvath • Talon • Tandorian • Tasha • Tauro-34 • Tegedaar • Teranth • Terix/Terix • Terminimurus • Teutil • Theta Centauri • Tigelis • Tikelis • Timore • T'Met • Torek • Tranome Sar • Tufem • Umbrios • Unroth • Ustullan • Vendor • Vendus A • Vertilia • V'varia • Wauoxic • Xhuj • Xi Hydrae • Yadalla • Yagra • Yatil • Zarziuk • Zaxx'n • Zeta Trianguli Australis • Zeta Pictoris • Zeta Volantis • Zevarus • Zova Rhen Romulan Empire icon image.


External links[]
