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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Minara was a star with an associated system of seven planets located in the Minara sector and treaty boundary Quadrant 4 of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

Minara went supernova in 2268, destroying the planets inhabited by the Vians and the Anjurwan. (TOS episode & Star Trek 10 novelization: The Empath, VOY short story: "The Healing Arts", TAS episode & Log Seven novelization: The Counter-Clock Incident, ST website:

Prior to going supernova, Minara's orbit included seven planets. The first three, all class M, were destroyed by the nova. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

Minara had been a G type yellow giant star and was located in treaty boundary Quadrant 4 in the general vicinity of Nodark and Thranstor. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

Quadrant 2 cross section

General vicinity of Minara.

One star chart noted Minara as being in the general vicinity of the Delta Triangle, Rator, and Tellun. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

Between Minara and Romulan Neutral Zone Outpost 1 was a star cluster of N type variable stars. (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)

In the 22nd century, the system was known to the Federation for its Minaran spinach. (ENT episode: "Singularity")

In the 23rd century, the Minara II research station, a Federation outpost, was established in the system to study the impending nova.

In 2268, the starship USS Enterprise visited the system to evacuate outpost personnel, but intense solar flare activity produced a dangerous solar storm that kept the ship away for 74 hours. (TOS episode & Star Trek 10 novelization: The Empath)

Later that year, the star went nova. (ST website:

When the Enterprise was trapped in an antimatter universe in 2270, they were able to escape by approaching a dead star which corresponded with the Minara supernova. (TAS episode & Log Seven novelization: The Counter-Clock Incident)

Starships were instructed to keep ten parsecs away from the nova to avoid lethal radiation exposure. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps)

Radiation emitted by Minara, as well as the Beta Niobe supernova, threatened many nearby systems for years to follow, including Verzhik, which was particularly badly damaged in 2279. (TOS - Mere Anarchy eBook: The Darkness Drops Again)


System makeup[]

Minara system primary star
  • Minara I
  • Minara II
  • Minara III
  • Minara IV
  • Minara V
  • Minara VI
  • Minara VII



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (M)
M-370 • M24 Alpha • Maat • Macedon • Mada • Madara • Maddux • Madorax • Madras • Magama • Magefferus • Magistor • Maidana • Maion • Maitor • Makiax • Makiban • Maklin • Makon • Makrecha • Maldara • Malindi • Maliora • Maltharin • Maluria • Malvestia �� Mamox • Manak • Manark • Manda Tor • Mandela • Mandrak • Mandylion • Manitoba • Manta • Manu • Manurda • Manutor • MAO • Maq • Mar Daraan • Mara • Marcan • Marcipor • Mardella • Mardelva • Mariem • Mariphasa • Marius • Marja • Mar'koth • Mark'veth • Marram • Marrat • Marr-i-nul • Marris • Martin Singularity • Marzan • Marzana • Mar'zek • Mash'gar • Masir • Masum • Matori • Mat'reth • Mats Daraan • Mau'pek • Mavok • Mav'renas • Maxez • Maxona • Maxor Tor • Mayara • Maynard • Maz • Mazav • Mazda • Mazur • McCarthy • Mecanda • Medero • Med'pek • Meezan • Meir • Mek Daraan • Mekbuda • Mekreb • Meldrar • Melila • Melina • Melona • Menak • Menebis • Menelo • Meneri • Mengen • Menidex • Menith • Mercaniad • Mercenam • Mereez • Merellion Sigma • Meridian • Merisa • Merope • Meruun • Mesanti • Mesarthim • Meslah • Mestrek • Meta • Metaga • Metnor • Mevraan • Mewudoh • Mexar • Mezius • Micara • Mida • Midnight • Midos • Milav • Milia • Milika • Miliok • Milira • Milora • Milro • Milum • Mimion • Minara • Mines • Minidine • Minona • Minorva • Minox • Mira Maj • Miraj • Mirak • Miraso • Mirazh • Mirdonyae • Mirfak • Miridian • Mirin • Mirith • Miros • Mir'tara • Misen • Miskar • Misor • Mith'dex • Mithror Tor • Mitra Tor • Mixtus • Mizav • Moetar • Mokak • Mol'gath • Molinor • Molinus • Molion • Moliul • Molvos • Momiok • Momius • Mondoloy • Monera • Mongo • Monra • Montgomery • Montor • Montrex • Mot'har • Mothren • Mora • Morel • Moriax • Mos'rammi • Mo'teth • Mountjoy • Moussis Vortex • Movor • Moxes • Mozus • Mrang • Mu Herculis • Mudor • Muldor • Munek • Munjeb • Mu'pek • Murakami • Murgoth • Muro • Murobis • Musana • Muuntra • Myral • Myram • Myroan Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (M) Maaz • Makus • Malcor • Maluria • Mantichoras • Mariah • Mathen • Maurer • Maxia Zeta • Megara • Megrez • Melik • Menkalinan • Menzies 216 • Merak • Mirach • Mirish • Mizar • Monac • Moriya • Mu Andromedae • Mu Ceti • Mu Draconis Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (M) M'Char • M43 Alpha • M67 Alpha • Maht-H'a • Makar • Maluria • Mandel • Mandylor • Maranga • M'Char • Mebsuta • Medusa • Mempa • Menk • Menkent • Metron • Miaplacidus • Minkar • Mintaka • Mira Antliae • Miridian • Morska • Moselina • Mu Arae • Mu Horologii • Mu Leonis • Mu Leonis A • Mu Velorum • Mu Virginis • Mutara Beta Quadrant icon image.


Appearances and references[]



External links[]
