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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Marilyn Hoskin was a 24th century Human woman, a renowned Federation Councillor who later became a professor at Starfleet Academy.


Hoskin was highly skilled in diplomacy, political science, administration, and Federation law. She was knowledgeable about history and culture, particularly of Earth and Alpha Centauri. She was a skilled writer, persuasive in a debate, and could be shrewd. She was known for her candid idealism for the core values of Starfleet and the Federation.

Hoskin earned degrees in political science after attending Earth's University of Chicago and Alpha Centauri's University of Peking, then served in the Federation Diplomatic Corps. In 2343, she became the aide to Alpha Centauri's Federation Council representative, then succeeded them as Federation Councillor from 2347 - 2357.

In 2357, she became a teacher at Starfleet Academy, and in 2367 was appointed chair of the political science department. She managed staff that included Professors Siggel Akis, Janine Clark, Comobreco, John Kayser, and Clifford Wirth. She oversaw a curriculum that included POLT 101 Politics and Society, POLT 105 Federation Law, POLT 225 Multiculturalism, POLT 367 Klingon Politics, and POLT 378 Interstellar Political Organization.

During this time, while residing with her husband in Paris, she also directed the Academy's committee on cultural diversity. As of 2371, she continued to serve as department chair. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)



Council of the United Federation of Planets
Earth representatives Haroun al-Rashid • Percival Kimbridge • Jonathan Archer • Courtenay Marshall • Indira Bhutto • Petrach Sormassov • Kevin McBride • Matthew Mazibuko United Earth emblem. Vulcan representatives T'Maran • T'Nuri • Sarek • T'Latrek • T'nirea • T'Los • Soron • Sokketh Vulcan IDIC emblem.
Andorian representatives Anlenthoris ch'Vhendreni • Avaranthi sh'Rothress • Thy'lek Shran • Zhimen ch'Rhettel • D'vin Loctrill • Thrandasar v'Elex • Shroom Stonwin • Charivretha zh'Thane • Kellerasana zh'Faila Andorian emblem. Tellar representatives Gralless • Gora bim Gral • F'xaq • Vagak Haggarak • Bera chim Gleer • Kyll Tellarite emblem.
Alpha Centauri representatives Nasrin Sloane • Marilyn Hoskin • Sondri Sullivan • Huang Chaoying Centauran emblem. Benzar representatives Melnis • Linzner Benzite emblem. Bolarus IX representatives Min Zife • Nea Bolian emblem.
Cait representatives S'rrel • Dynkorra M'Relle Caitian emblem. Deltan representatives LLyanaa • Eleana Deltan emblem. Grazer representatives Jaresh-Inyo • Severn-Anyar • Astoni-Yhard Grazerite emblem.
Trill representatives Jerella Dev • Jix Trill emblem. Zalda representatives Samton • Molmaan Zaldan emblem. Bajoran representatives Rava Mehwyn • Krim Aldos • Baras Rodirya Bajoran emblem.
Other membership Alonis: Nerramibus • Antede III: Selora Quintor • Arcturus: Jacob Varis • Ardana: Strovos • Betazed: Cort Enaren • Betelgeuse II: Chuu'iik Hru'uith • Bre'el IV: Nitram • Cestus III: Altoun Djinian • Damiano: Ra'ch B'ullhy • Deneva: Lynda Foley • Djana: Ewu • Efros: Domak Voris • Gemworld: Lari Beltane • Gnala: Gorus Gelemingar • Hermat: Saltroni 815 • Huan: Corices • Icor IX: Lyo Morhas • Igre: Gloobsherkpfack • Ithen: Danga Sitru • Izar: Grace Murabi • Janus VI: Sanaht • Koa: Sicarios • Makus III: Konahr Lutet • Mars: Qaletaqu • Chab jav Lorg • Nasat: C29 Green • Ona: Eftheria Lo • Pandril: Govrin • Regulus III: Maria Moi • Rigel Colonies: Kishkik Sajithen • Tomorok • Sauria: S'kaa • Terra Nova: Kevin Steiner • Tiburon: Jard Elbir • Gnizbreg • Triex: Artrin na Yel • Vega IX: Zhi Nu Palmer • Vestios: Lenith Agreho • Other councillors: Lisa abn Dari • Eric Cooper • Corvix • Walter Julliev • Robert Kelly • Alexis Kindr • Kleeg • Lanugu • Sipak • T'Vorin • Wulkk UFP emblem.
Starfleet Academy personnel
Aaronson • V. Abrams • Adara • S. Akis • H. Albrecht • G. Antos • R. Aprile • D. Arakelian • K. Ariel • D. Armbruster • A. Athans • J. Atheling • J. Audry • J. zh'Azethiq • R. Barclay • C. Bass • W. Baum • M. Becker • A. Bennett • R. Beymer • Bialer • R. Blakemore • P. Boom • E. Boran • V. Borror • Boothby • R. Brackett • B. Braga • A. Brand • J. Brandt • O. Bria • P. Brockelman • W. Brothner • Brown • L. Brownell • J. B'ton • A. Buchwalter • A. Bucklin • H. Bukara • A. Caitano • R. Cavic • Chan • S. Chang • P. Chapman • P. Chekov • S. Chen • S. Chiang • V. Chiang • Chiarello • J. Clark • M. Clark • L. Cole • Comobreco • J. Chupp • V. Chyornyy • E. Cohn • N. Corfew • P. Crandall • Crown • M. Decker • H. Delapore • P. de la Torre • S. De Maris • R. Derosiers • R. Desjardin • S. Devim • A. DiCassa • M. Donnelly • L. Dorton • J. Eaglefeather • J. Eardman • Ellisalda • S. Eman • R. Eonarra • Erdman • J. Erentaro • Eufinger • B. Finney • J. Fleck • R. Fletcher • D. Follen • Forbus • A. Freil • M. Fuller • D. Gabrielle • R. Galen • N. Garr • H. Gaudette • M. Gendermane • P. Genoran • J. Gill • D. Gluck • Gort • J. Gouthar • C. Graffeo • Graves • Graves • T. Grodnick • C. Grove • O. Gwamningdo • E. Hahn • B. Harwood • N. Hask • J. Heisenberg • Hendricks • A. Henry • Heyer • E. Hodgkins • H'okh • W. Horne • M. Hoskin • Howell • L. Hughulagh • J. Huss • M. Ikawa • Z. Ixiter • A. iXJohns • S. Jacoby • J.R. Jennings • M. Je'Tor • A. Jones • Jublik • Kala • R. Kaufmann • J. Kayser • W. Keel • Kel-Nah • J. Kester • S. Kester • D. Kincaid • J.T. Kirk • Klarten • R. Klein • V. K'prell • Ku • H. Ky • E. Landaker • N. Larson • T. Laue • J. Levinson • Little • D. Livingston • K. Lizzel • J. Longo • Lynch • D. Maltese • G. Markova • W. Masefield • Mayhar-Perth • L. McCoy • A. McTaggart • W. Mendel • K. Mendelson • J. Meyrowitz • M.C. Minor • H. Mirasol • D. Misk • J. Mitchell • Mlikk • B. Moore • Naharodny • B. Nakagawa • J. Nesterowicz • N. Nichols • Nimembeh • C. Novakovich • K. O'Brien • M O'Brien • G. O'Donoghue • B. Olafson • Onafuwa • M. Onizuka • M. O'Riley • O. Paris • T. Patterson • Pembleton • M. Pfau • J-L. Picard • J. Pollard • M. Pollard • C. Praxis • M. Prentice • G. Prim • Pritchard • D. Quinaire • Rantha • S. th'Rasdeth • C. Rasmussen • G. Rescher • Rhakh-tem • K. Riley • S. Rubichik • D. Rokam • S. Ruos • Salon • Salor • P. Sawyer • D. Schweitzer • K. Schönhertz • M. Scott • F. Segfrunsdóttir • R. Seitz • J.M. Sellers • Selok • Semek • J. Sierra • Silas • P. Simenon • A. Simmons • E. Singh • H. Sitkoff • Slavit • Sofak • Solok • Somak • Spark • Spock • Sporik • S'ren • Starfleet Science Officer (SCISEC Briefs) • E. Stein-Morrow • Steinberg • Stell • Storek • M. Strauss • Sulak • H. Sulu • S. Summersworth • Sur • J. Tal • Tarleggia • V. Tasser • Telek • R. Temore • Tho • G. Thol • C. Tiengtrakul • J. Tilee • S. Tilly • T'Lan • J. ab Tokath • M. Tonn • S. Torosian • T'Pelak • Tr'lsana • W. Trainer • T'Strella • L. T'su • B. Turgano • Tuvok • Trumble • T'van • N. Uhura • L. Ulrich • D. Urquhart • S. van Anling • J. Van Milner • J. vander Todd • T. Varghorne • E. Vassbinder • I. Vellacora • G. Vey • Vinge • A. V'nar • M. Vri • S. Ward • D. Whittier • Wingate • R. Winslow • J. Winter • C. Wirth • D. Wise • E. Witt • H. Wong • J. Wong • L. Wong • V. Wong • T. Xian • Xon • B. Yacobian • K. Yos • H. Zakarian • Zarsh • Zervik • Zheng • H. Zimmerman • J. Zorka • J. Zsigray • Kyethn Zund Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image. Starfleet Academy icon image.

