Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lojur was a Halkan male who served as helm officer aboard the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) in the late 23rd century.

Lojur was born on Halka in the mid 23rd century. After taking up arms against invaders, Lojur was cast out by the elders of his society. He was found by Commander Pavel Chekov of the USS Reliant who took pity on him and beamed him back to the Reliant. (TLE novel: The Sundered)

Lojur later joined Starfleet. After graduating from Starfleet Academy he was posted to the USS Excelsior as an Ensign under Captain Lawrence Styles. In 2289, Styles was murdered by the Albino, and first officer Hikaru Sulu was soon given command of the Excelsior by Starfleet. Lojur remained on board the Excelsior, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Commander by 2293. (ST novel: Excelsior: Forged in Fire, TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

He would also become a friend to Tuvok while he was aboard Excelsior. (TTN novel: The Red King)



USS Excelsior personnel
USS Excelsior (NCC-1718) LaLiberté (CO) UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) 2280s J.T. Kirk (CO) • L. Styles (CO) • H. Sulu (XO) • M. Darby a.k.a. Henreid (XO) • M. Scott (CENG) • L.H. McCoy (CMO) • N. Uhura (COMM) • P.A. Chekov (CSEC) • D. Avoca • W. Bearclaw • Bodine • E. Braun • Brickner • N. Bryce • L. Burke • Carver • Edwards • Harburg • Hathaway • Heming • Jed • H. Keith • J. Kerasus • Konom • T. Krejci • Lahra • R. Marquez • M. Morelli • Naraht • N. Orsini • M. Rebovich • T. Renner • D. Renyck • A. Reynolds • Richardson • Saavik • C. Schulman • E. Sherwood • T. Spiro • H. Tanzer • Thimon • G. Thometz • G. Wilhelmsem
2290s H. Sulu (CO) • P. Chekov (XO) • M. Cutler (XO) • Shandra Docksey • Djugashvili • J. Rand • (XO) • L.J. Akaar • V. Bays • Berger • C. Chapel • S. Focus • P. Garvin • Grey • B. Hans • Henrey • T. Henry • H. Keith • J. Klass • Lojur • M. Lukas • R. Marquez • S. Pastur • Perez • R. Roose • N. Schmidt • Sencus • Silverman • N. Svenson • Tuvok • D. Valtane • S. Walroth
24th century H. Sulu (CO) • B. Crajjik (CO) • R. Leslie (XO) • P. Aaron • J. Ajax • T. Azleya • T. Benton • Boyle • J. S. Carville • C. Chapel • De Luca • V. Eklund • Frisch • Luckman • F. Millán • K. Reham • G. Ressix • Sevol • T'Jen • J. Whistler • Ybarra
ISS Excelsior Hikaru Sulu • Grey • Tuvok • Styles • Blaine Seal of the Terran Empire.
Starfleet helmsmen and flight controllers (circa 2278–2299)
Adler • Bailey • Bair • Beech • Beirhoff • Bessent • Daylynne • Falsone • B. Ford • E.T. Ford • Forester • Gentile • Hickman • Johnson • Kaufman • Kung • Lauldi • Lee • Jenela Light • Lojur • Mao • Martin • McBride • McCullens • O'Bannon • Osterman • Ryan • Schonfelder • Scott • Silverman • Soderlund • Stoddard • Sullivan • D. Sulu • H. Sulu • Takamura • Teagarden • Todd • Ulman • Wellington • Withers • Yvet Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.

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