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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Karak.

Karak was a 24th century Federation citizen, a Vulcan individual.


According to Casualty Report 92792382 Baker, Karak was killed in sector 22093 during the Borg invasion of the year 2381. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)

MarinerConspiracies1 This character's death occurred in the First Splinter timeline. In the prime timeline, events unfolded differently, meaning this person might not have died at that point, or that they died in a different manner.



Casualty Report 92792382 Baker
1100110 • 1100111 • Alroniaks of Alonis • Daniela Bruner • Michael Burns • B'w'e'd'l'e'r • Cartominkwano of Alonis • Hessretheress ch'Lan • Themnorsith ch'Lessa • Tharantana ch'Nora • Elefthor ch'Rin • Shritharia ch'Vrun • Lieutenant Commander Thomas Alan Chafin • Benjamin Cruz, Jr. • Benjamin Cruz, Sr. • Ryon Daley • Alto Dex • Garo Dex • Okin Dex • Major Efrimtiran of Alonis • Frak • Elizabeth Fredericksen • Matt Gagnon • Rey Garcia • Michael Gitlin • Lieutenant Dorian Giughan • Emrik glasch Gral • Ensign Griztrakar • Ensign Christina Grosso • H'a'e'd't'd'o'i'r • Cordelia Hawkins • Cornelia Hawkins • Lisa-Karen Hawkins • Orenthal V. Hawkins • Vernetha Hawkins • Wallie Hawkins • Wanjuri Hawkins • Zik Heltrigum • Christine Hendler • Claiborne Henry • Tor glasch Hok • Lionel Iturralde • Jorialotnik of Alonis • Kan • Karak of Vulcan • Brian Keane • Charles Keane • Tracey Keane • Elizabeth Kearney • Kelav • Elizabeth A. King • Ensign Liza Lagdanen • Monique Lang • Leslie Lannon • Liezakranor of Alonis • Lieutenant Commander Shira Lipkin • Mak Brin • Mak Sefrin • Mak Torin • Mak Yarin • Jorge Martinez • Allyn McWhirter • Henry McWhirter • Thomas McWhirter • Una McWhirter • Christopher Metzen • Kenneth Minaya • Miraboria of Alonis • Margaret Mitchell • Amanda Molina • Luis Molina • Gram glasch Mort • Zik chim Mort • Evin Nadaner • Masusaka Nakadai • Asano Nakamura • Mariko Nakamura • Yukio Nakamura • Lieutenant Alberto Natale • Michael Neilson • Councillor Nerramibus of Alonis • Jack Ousmanova • Nicole Ousmanova • Olga Ousmanova • Roy Ousmanova • Lieutenant Mika Oyama • Sem glasch Pak • Miral Paris • Maria Patterson • Ensign Phira • Pott • Lieutenant JG E. Richard Price • Q'o'l'r't'r'e'z'a'k • Quirimirkis of Alonis • Rolik of Vulcan • Lieutenant Commander Yukio Sakai • Captain George Sanders • Dayana Sandoval • Rachelle Sandoval • Sanek of Vulcan • Semtek of Vulcan • Sentir of Vulcan • Kiramassala sh'Lan • Thriazhrovarasa sh'Meth • Shivas of Vulcan • Sik • Ensign Stephen Soohoo • Sorlak of Vulcan • Sossamirak of Alonis • Sprinc of Vulcan • T'Brals of Vulcan • T'Darin of Vulcan • T'Latt of Vulcan • T'Lor of Vulcan • T'Maro of Vulcan • Temnik 42 • Thantarishran th'Lan • Commander Katherine Toomajian • B'Elanna Torres • Turak of Vulcan • Lieutenant Colonel Urikmilagro of Alonis • Brian Victor • Thrintarno zh'Lan • Sellessi zh'Lessa • Ziralor 26

Appearances and references[]

