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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

An ISC carrier is a type of carrier starship operated by the ISC. (ST video game: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War)

ISC carrier classes[]


ISC carriers[]

List of carriers by name[]



Starships of the Interstellar Concordium's space fleet
battleship (BB, BBZ) Galactic Peace (BB-1) • Stellar Peace (BB-2) • Eternal Peace (BB-3) dreadnought (DN, DNZ, DNT) Metro (DN-1) • Commissioner (DN-2)Doomgiver (DN-3) • Chief (DN-4) ISC icon image.
dreadnought (EDN) Surprise (EDN-1) • EDN-2Shock (EDN-3) advanced dreadnought (EDN+) Surprise II (EDN-4) • EDN-5Shocker (EDN-6)
carrier (CVA, CVAZ) Spear (CVA-1)Javelin (CVA-2)CVA-3Hammer (CVA-4)CVA-5Disc (CVA-6) • CVA-7CVA-8 carrier (CV, CVZ) Sharpshooter (CV-1) • Sniper (CV-2) • CV-3Rapid Fire (CV-4) • CV-5Survivalist (CV-6) • CV-7
cruiser (CA, CAZ, CAY, CAP, CAW) Enforcer (CA-1) • Lawmaker (CA-2) • Star Ranger (CA-3) • Warder (CA-4) • Prosecutor (CA-5) • Public Defender (CA-6) • Border Ranger (CA-7) • Sheriff (CA-8) • Demolition (CA-9) • Defender (CA-10) • Negotiator (CA-11) • Witness (CA-12) • Surveillance (CA-13) • Guardian (CA-14) • Warden (CA-15)
tactical cruiser (TCA) Prosecutor
cruiser (CAA, CAAZ) Concord (CAA-1) • CAA-2CAA-3Harmony (CAA-4) • Solidarity (CAA-5) • CAA-6Fraternity (CAA-7) • CAA-8CAA-9 command cruiser (CC, CCY, CCZ) Concord (CC-1) • CC-2CC-3Harmony (CC-4) • Solidarity (CC-5) • CC-6Fraternity (CC-7) • CC-8
carrier (CVS, CVSZ) Solar Blast (CV-1) • Sniper (CV-2) • CV-3Rapid Fire (CV-4) • CV-5Survivalist (CV-6) • Solar Blast (CV-7) • CV-8 cruiser (ECA) Stonecutter (ECA-1) • Dragonslicer (ECA-2) • ECA-3Coinspinner (ECA-4) • ECA-5ECA-6Townsaver (ECA-7) • ECA-8ECA-9ECA-10
command cruiser (ECC) Stonecutter (ECC-1) • Dragonslicer (ECC-2) • ECC-3Coinspinner (ECC-4) • ECC-5ECC-6Townsaver (ECC-7) survey cruiser (SR, SRW, SRZ) StormBringer (SR-1) • Mournblade (SR-2) • SR-3Shieldbreaker (SR-4) • SR-5
strike cruiser (CS, CSW, CSP, CSZ) Brotherhood (CS-1) • Commonweath (CS-2) • CS-3Common Good (CS-4) • Community (CS-5) • CS-6 medium cruiser (CM, CMP, CMZ) Truth (CM-1) • Nirvana (CM-2) • CM-3Olympus (CM-4) • Avalon (CM-5) • CM-6CM-7Asgard (CM-8) • CM-9CM-10
light cruiser (CL, CLW, CLY, CLZ) Lawgiver (CL-1) • Juror (CL-2) • CL-3Infiltrator (CL-4) • Forman (CL-5) • CL-6CL-7Peace Officer (CL-8) • Bouncer (CL-9) • Dodger (CL-10) • Custody (CL-11) • Border Guard (CL-12) • Extraditer (CL-13) • Swift (CL-14) • Undercover Agent (CL-15) • Chaser (CL-16) • CL-17Bailiff (CL-18)
commando cruiser (CLG, CLGZ) Justicar (CLG-1) • CLG-2CLG-3Conciliator (CLG-4) • CLG-5Adjudicator (CLG-6) • Liberator (CLG-7) • CLG-8Juggernaught (CLG-9) light carrier (CVL, CVLZ)/light strike carrier (CVLP) Archer (CVL-1) • Spear User (CVL-2) • CVL-3Marksman (CVL-4) • Bowman (CVL-5) • CVL-6CVL-7
escort cruiser (CE) Arcadia (CE-1) • CE-2Paradise (CE-3) • CE-4CE-5Elysium (CE-6) • CE-7CE-8CE-9CE-10 light strike carrier (CVLS) Archer (CVS-1) • Spear User (CVS-2) • CVS-3Marksman (CVS-4) • Bowman (CVS-5) • CVS-6CVS-7
heavy scout (HSC, HSCZ) Wayfinder (HSC-1) • HSC-2HSC-3Sightblinder (HSC-4) • HSC-5HSC-6Investigator (HSC-7) early survey cruiser (ESR) Discovery (ESR-1) • Faith (ESR-2) • ESR-3ESR-4Hope (ESR-5) • ESR-6ESR-7
early light cruiser (ECL) Farslayer (ECL-1) • ECL-2ECL-3Punishment (ECL-4) • ECL-5ECL-6ECL-7 heavy command destroyer (CDD, CDDW) Ground Taker (CDD-1) • CDD-2CDD-3Trapper (CDD-4) • CDD-5CDD-6
scout (SC, SCW) Patrol (SC-1) • SC-2SC-3Finder (SC-4) • SC-5SC-6 destroyer (DD, DDW) Patrol Guard (DD-1) • DD-2DD-3DD-4Picket Guard (DD-5) • DD-6DD-7Customs Agent (DD-8)
destroyer leader (DDL, DDLZ) Watchman (DDL-1) • DDL-2DDL-3DDL-4Picket Guard (DDL-5) • DDL-6DDL-7Customs Agent (DDL-8) escort carrier (CVE, CVEZ) Dart (CVE-1) • Boomerang (CVE-2) • CVE-3Bolo (CVE-4) • Sheriken (CVE-5) • CVE-6Dagger (CVE-7)
destroyer escort (DE) Ironsides (DE-1) • DE-2DE-3Courageous (DE-4) • DE-5DE-6DE-7DE-8DE-9 plasma-fire "G" destroyer (DDG, DDGZ) Excalibur (DDG-1) • DDG-2DDG-3DDG-4Soulcutter (DDG-5) • DDG-6DDG-7DDG-8DDG-9DDG-10
early destroyer (EDD) Sting (EDD-1) • EDD-2Bite (EDD-3) • EDD-4EDD-5Claw (EDD-6) • EDD-7EDD-8 early frigate (EFF) Brave (EFF-1) • EFF-2Brave (EFF-3) • EFF-4Bold (EFF-5) • EFF-6EFF-7EFF-8
escort frigate (FFE, FFEZ) Edict (FFE-1) • FFE-2FFE-3Compact (FFE-4) • FFE-5FFE-6FFE-7Regulation (FFE-8) • FFE-9FFE-10 frigate (FF, FFW, FFL) Justice (FF-1) • FF-2Law (FF-3) • FF-4Order (FF-5) • FF-6Court (FF-7) • Judge (FF-8)
police flagship (FLG, FLGW) Boss (FLG-1) • FLG-2FLG-3FLG-4FLG-5FLG-6FLG-7FLG-8 police corvette (POL, POLW) POL-1POL-2POL-3POL-4POL-5POL-6POL-7POL-8POL-9POL-10POL-11POL-12
phaser-armed Q-ship (FQS) FLPh-215FLPh-216FLPh-217FLPh-218FLPh-219FLPh-220FLPh-221FLPh-222FLPh-223 plasma-armed Q-ship (FQL) FLPL-315FLPL-316FLPL-317FLPL-318FLPL-319FLPL-320FLPL-321FLPL-322FLPL-323FLPL-324FLPL-325FLPL-326FLPL-327

