Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"For the Uniform" was the 111th episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the thirteenth episode of the show's fifth season, first aired during the week of 3 February 1997. The episode was written by Peter Allan FieldsMA and directed by Victor LoblMA. Benjamin Sisko pursues former Starfleet officer Michael Eddington across the Demilitarized Zone.


Sisko has come to a planet in the Badlands to meet an informer who claims to know the location of Michael Eddington. Sisko insteads meets Eddington himself, who found out about the informer’s intentions. Eddington forces Sisko to look at the civilian population, who had to relocate after the treaty with the Cardassians. Sisko comments that the people are victims of Eddington and the Maquis giving them false hope that they will one day be able to return home. Eddington transports away, and Sisko is transported up to the Defiant, giving the crew orders to pursue Eddington’s ship.



Jadzia Dax • Michael Eddington • Kira Nerys • Nog • Miles O'Brien • Odo • George Sanders • Benjamin Sisko • Worf, son of Mogh • Deep Space 9 personnel (Deep Space 9 residents)
Referenced only
Cing'ta • Curzon Dax • Victor Hugo • Joseph Sisko


Badlands • Deep Space 9 • Demilitarized Zone • Marva IV • Operations center • Quatal Prime • Station commander's office
Referenced only
Cardassia • Dorvan • Gamma 7 outpost • Panora • Portas V • Salva II • Solosos III • Tracken II • Veloz Prime

Starships and vehicles[]

Danube-class runabout (in opening credits) • Guingouin (Condor-class) • USS Defiant (Defiant-class escort) • Groumall-class • Janitza-class (in opening credits) • USS Leeds (Nebula-class explorer, in opening credits) • USS Malinche (Excelsior-class explorer)

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Klingon • Trill
Referenced only
Bolian • Breen • Cardassian • Prophets

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Maquis • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Starfleet Command • Starfleet Intelligence

Other references[]

barrel roll • baseball • biogenic weapon • cascade virus • cloaking device • cobalt diselenide • computer • court martial • Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370 • gyro-shielding • holo-communicator • Robin Hood • The Hunchback of Notre Dame • inertial damper • inspector • intelligence drone • Javert • Les Misérables • neutrino • nursery rhyme • parabolic sensor array • plasma field • punching bag • quantum torpedo • replicator • rhodium • selenium • shipyard • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2373-2386) • stratospheric torpedo • transporter • trilithium • warp signature • work bee • Jean Valjean • warp drive


Related media[]

Video releases[]


Notable cast and crew[]


Captain Benjamin Sisko.




published order
Previous episode:
The Begotten
DS9 episode produced Next episode:
In Purgatory's Shadow
Previous episode:
The Begotten
DS9 episode aired Next episode:
In Purgatory's Shadow
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Blood Fever
Previous Adventure:
The Mist
Deep Space Nine Adventures Next Adventure:
In Purgatory's Shadow

External links[]
