Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Eridan Belt

The Eridan Belt.

The Eridan Belt is a region of space that encompasses borders of the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire, as well as an expanse extending from these borders towards the galaxy's core regions. This region was accessible from the Z-6 sector and the Tarod sector of the Iota Pavonis sector block. The Eridan Belt was made up of a good deal of space not yet explored by the Federation and Romulans as of the 25th century. (STO mission: "Explore the Eridan Belt")


Amongst the Romulans, there were stories of miners that operated passed the Eridan Belt who discovered alien beacons of unknown origins. (STO mission: "A Day in the Sun") These aliens were the Elachi. (STO mission: "Flight from Virinat")

In 2409, Lieutenant Anek was responsible for Starfleet exploration missions into the Eridan Belt. Most of the systems within the cluster were unknown. (STO mission: "Explore the Eridan Belt") Some of the planets required commodities such as industrial replicators, water purification systems and weather control systems. (STO mission: "Relief Effort")



Star clusters and nebulae in Star Trek Online
Alpha Quadrant Betreka Nebula • Rolor Nebula • Zenas Expanse
Beta Quadrant Afehirr Nebula • Arucanis Arm • Azlesa Expanse • Azure Nebula • B'Tran Cluster • Briar Patch • Celes Nebula • ChoS Nebula • D'kel Star Cluster • Delta Volanis Cluster • Eridan Belt • Eridon Nebula • Great Bloom • Hromi Cluster • Kahless Expanse • Khazan Cluster • Mutara Nebula • Paulson Nebula • T'Kanis Nebula • T'Ong Nebula • Yan Nebula

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