Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Dax.

Jadzia is put on trial for a murder in which Curzon Dax was implicated as the perpetrator.


Dax has just finished dinner with Bashir when several Klaestron individuals incapacitate her and take her aboard their vessel. The Deep Space 9 crew stop the kidnap attempt.



Altman • Julian Bashir • Graham Davis • Jadzia Dax • Els Renora • Jones • Kallis Ven • Kira Nerys • Morn • Odo • Selin Peers • Quark • Benjamin Sisko • Orren Ran • Enina Tandro • Ilon Tandro • Yevir Linjarin
Referenced only
Dax • Curzon Dax • Keiko O'Brien • Miles O'Brien • Ardelon Tandro


Deep Space 9 (docking ring • habitat ring • operations center • Promenade • Quark's • replimat • station commander's office) • Klaestron IV
Referenced only
Bajor • Earth


Klaestron starship
Referenced only

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Klaestron • Lurian • Trill/Trillian
Referenced only
Argosian • Cardassian • Klingon • Romulan

States and Organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran Provisional Government

Science and technology[]

airlock • astrophysics • blood type • brain • brainwave • cadderon force field • combadge • docking port • docking pylon • electroplasma • exoarchaeology • exobiology • force field • graviton generator • holosuite • subspace • tractor beam • turbolift • warp drive • zoology

Other references[]

2330s • arbiter • death penalty • extradition • raktajino


Related stories[]



Enina Tandro


published order
Previous episode:
DS9 episode produced Next episode:
The Passenger
Previous episode:
DS9 episode aired Next episode:
The Passenger
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Seven of Nine (prologue)

External links[]
