Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Hypospray 24th century

A hypospray.

Benzocyatizine is a medication substance used to treat Trill joined with symbionts that suffer from low isoboramine levels. (DS9 episode: "Equilibrium")

History and specifics[]

In the year 2371, Doctor Renhol and other Trill Symbiosis Commission physicians gave Jadzia Dax benzocyatizine when her isoboramine levels were low. (DS9 episode: "Equilibrium")

When a joined Trill is given an analgesic, such as terakine, it would need to be metered with benzocyatizine. When Kell Perim was injured in 2379, Beverly Crusher did not need to use benzocyatizine as Kell was not joined. (ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Sow)

In the First Splinter timeline, Ezri Dax was treated with benzocyatizine in 2376. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight)

The benzocyatizine article at, the official Star Trek website, details specific formulations benzocyatizine-24, benzocyatizine-25 and benzocyatizine-39 in their definition title.



External links[]
