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The following is a list of unnamed Ocampa.

Ocampa homeworld[]

Daggin's group []

These members of Daggin's group lived underground on the Ocampa homeworld within his community. They followed the USS Voyager away team through the Ocampa courtyard. (VOY: "Caretaker")

Heather Ferguson as an Ocampa

Ferguson as an Ocampa

These four Ocampa were played by background performers who received no credit for their appearance.

They were identified as "Daggin Ocampa" and "Ocampa" on the call sheets and filmed their scenes during the re-shoots for "Caretaker" on Monday 12 December 1994 on location at the Los Angeles Convention Center and Tuesday 13 December 1994 on Paramount Stage 18.

Their costumes were later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay and listed them as "Dagginites" on the costume tag. [1](X)

Doctor []

Ocampa doctor

An Ocampa doctor

This doctor was an older male who cared for aliens that were sent to the Ocampa homeworld by the Caretaker after they were rejected as compatible lifeforms with which he could reproduce. These included B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim. Despite his best efforts, all but the last two eventually died. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The Ocampa Doctor was played by actor Bruce French who filmed his scenes on Thursday 15 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 16 and on Tuesday 20 September 1994 on location at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Chris Doyle worked as his stunt double.

Midwife []

Ocampa midwife

An Ocampa midwife

This midwife was present when Martis gave birth to Kes, and helped deliver the baby. (VOY: "Before and After")

She was played by regular background actress Grace Harrell, who received no credit for this performance.

Nurse []

Ocampa nurse

An Ocampa nurse

This female nurse assisted an Ocampa doctor in the underground hospital on the planet Ocampa in 2371. She was present when B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim were treated there and witnessed how two orderlies restrained Torres. Later, in a dark alley, she gave Kim and Torres moss which should reduce their pain. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The nurse was played by actress Jennifer Parsons who filmed her scenes on Thursday 15 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 16 and on Wednesday 21 September 1994 on location at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Debra Waters worked as photo double for her during 2nd unit filming.

Orderlies []

These male and female orderlies lived on the Ocampa homeworld and worked in the hospital in the underground enclave. They were called into the hospital room by the doctor when B'Elanna Torres started to shout and threaten the doctor. They restrained her so the doctor could give her a sedative. They then carried Torres on a hospital bed. (VOY: "Caretaker")

Ocampa stunt group, Caretaker

The Ocampa stunt group with Dennis Madalone

Both orderlies were played by Stunt performers whose moves were coordinated by Dennis Madalone. They filmed their scenes on Thursday 15 September 1994 on Paramount Stage 16, the location for the "Ocampa Hospital Room".

The call sheet listed them as "Ocampa Orderly #1" and "Ocampa Orderly #2", though Rampe is listed as "Susan Rampe".

Passersby []

Ocampa underground 2


These passersby lived on the Ocampa homeworld and were in the Ocampa courtyard when B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim arrived. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The first male took a meal, shortly before B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim got their meal from the doctor. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The second male was passed by B'Elanna Torres, Harry Kim, and the Ocampa doctor in the Ocampa courtyard, where he sat down and watched the large screens. He later passed the away team several times when the Ocampa underground city was shaken. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The third male was waiting in the line to get his meal, when he was passed by Torres and Kim. Later he passed the away team when the Ocampa underground city was shaken. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The fourth male passed the away team lead by Captain Janeway in the courtyard. He stopped when the underground city was shaken. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The fifth male stood in a row at the food replicator when B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim received a tour through the underground city. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The sixth male, an elder, was among the group of Ocampa who stared at Torres and Kim, because he never saw someone who was sent by the Caretaker. (VOY: "Caretaker")

The seventh male, also an elder, accompanied Toscat when he visited Daggin's community to speak with Captain Janeway. (VOY: "Caretaker")

Peter Wick, Ocampa

Peter Wick on a Continuity Polaroid

Forty background performers – twenty males and twenty females – appeared in the first scenes filmed on Tuesday 20 September 1994 and Wednesday 21 September 1994 on location at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Among them is actor Peter Wick.

For the re-shoots on Monday 12 December 1994 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, eighteen background Ocampa were filmed – ten males including the ones identified in the gallery below and S. Boldor, P. Alcazar, and J. Rubenstein and eight females including the ones identified in the gallery below and P. Fong, S. Chase, B. Dunner, A. Giuletti, and M. Roberts. Irving Ross also filmed scenes on Tuesday 13 December 1994 on Paramount Stage 18 (Ocampa Enclave).

The costume worn by Cindy Bohling was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)

Suspiria's array[]

Female []

Ocampa woman, Cold fire

One of Suspiria's Ocampa

This female was the descendant of several Ocampa taken from their homeworld by Suspiria in the 21st century. She and the rest of Suspiria's Ocampa lived on a space station similar to the Caretaker's array. She later accompanied Tanis to the USS Voyager to meet Kes. (VOY: "Cold Fire")

This female was played by background actress Cindy Howe, who received no on-screen credit for her appearance.

Male []

Ocampa man, Cold fire

Another one of Suspiria's Ocampa

This male was the descendant of several Ocampa taken from their homeworld by Suspiria in the 21st century. He and the rest of Suspiria's Ocampa lived on a space station similar to the Caretaker's array. He later accompanied Tanis to the USS Voyager to meet Kes. Both he and Tanis were skeptical of the Voyager crew's intentions, and told them of the Voyager's reputation as "a ship of death". (VOY: "Cold Fire")

This male was played by regular Star Trek guest actor Norman Large.

Tanis' father []

The father of Tanis lived to be twenty years old, far exceeding the average Ocampa life span, with the help of technology co-developed by the Ocampa and Suspiria. (VOY: "Cold Fire")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
