Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of 892-IV natives from the planet 892-IV.




Model []

Jupiter 8 ad

A Model

This blonde model was featured in an advertisement for the Jupiter 8 sports car in The Gallian. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The picture of the model is of an unknown actress.

Passersby #1 []

Jupiter 8 television


These Roman citizens watched as the police arrested a slave in black-and-white news footage. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

These citizens were played by unknown performers.

Passersby #2 []

These passersby were seen on the streets of the capital city on planet 892-IV. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

These passersby were played by unknown performers.

Name the Winner cast and crew[]

Announcer []

892-IV announcer

The announcer

The announcer was a native of the planet 892-IV. He was the voice of the Empire Television Network and hosted a television show called Name the Winner, during which he delivered blow-by-blow and color commentary. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The announcer was played by Bart LaRue.

Cameramen []

These three cameramen filmed Name the Winner from various angles and positions. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

Legionnaire []

Legionnaire and Master of Games

The Legionnaire on the left

This legionnaire was a native of the planet 892-IV who helped ensure that the gladiators put on a "good show" for the audience. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The legionnaire (left pictured) was played by background actor Tony Dante.

Master of Games []

Master of Games

The Master of the Games

Master of the Games was a native of the planet 892-IV, the on-screen referee of gladiatorial combats broadcast on the Name the Winner evening sports program.

He dressed in costume suggesting a Roman centurion of the classical era. His only weapon was a whip he applied when necessary. He was assisted by a contingent of similarly costumed, sub-machine gun bearing legionnaires.

In 2268, a special color broadcast featuring the execution of the barbarian James T. Kirk by the Master with a gladius was interrupted and thrown into chaos when Flavius Maximus ran forward to rescue Kirk. When the Master was used by Kirk as a Human shield, he died after being shot multiple times by one of his own men. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The master of games was played by Jack Perkins.

Sound effects man []

892-IV sound effects man

A sound effects man

The sound effects man was responsible for the various "audience sounds" during the gladiatorial combats in the television show Name the Winner. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The sound effects man was played by Chester Hayes.

Praetoral Guard[]

The Praetoral Guard were the police force on the planet 892-IV, and were armed with firearms and swords — the latter of which they used on the command "Swords only" to avoid crossfire in confined areas. Their uniforms were similar to those of U.S. police motorcycle patrolmen on 20th century Earth.

Policeman #1 []

892-IV policeman 1

The lead policeman

The lead policeman was a citizen of the planet 892-IV. He led the police officers who captured Kirk, Spock, and McCoy after they beamed to the planet's surface to search for survivors of the SS Beagle. The policeman wore a red cravat as opposed to the pale blue of his colleagues, presumably to indicate that he was the officer in charge. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The lead policeman was played by William Bramley.

Policeman #2 []

892-IV policeman 2

Policeman #2

This policeman was a native of the planet 892-IV. He was a member of the force that captured Kirk, Spock, and McCoy who had been searching for the crew of the SS Beagle. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The policeman was played by Paul Baxley.

Policeman #3 []

892-IV policeman 3

Policeman #3

This policeman was a member of the police force on the planet 892-IV. He and his fellow officers were searching a group of "sun worshipers". He helped capture them, along with the landing party from the Enterprise, which consisted of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The policeman was played by Bob Orrison.

Policeman #4 []

892-IV policeman 4

Policeman #4

This policeman was also member of the police force on the planet 892-IV. He held Kirk, Spock and McCoy captured. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The policeman was played by an unknown actor.


These seven inhabitants of the planet 892-IV, plus Septimus and Flavius, lived as runaway slaves in a cave outside one of the main large cities on the planet.

Slaves 1, 2, and 3 []

Armed with rifles, they, along with Flavius Maximus, captured the USS Enterprise landing party consisting of James T. Kirk, Spock and Leonard McCoy, returning the trio to their leader Septimus in 2268. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

Slave 4 []

892-IV slave 4

A slave woman

This woman was a Roman slave on the planet 892-IV. She was a member of Septimus's group. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

The slave woman was played by Jeannie Malone.

Slave 5 []

892-IV slave 5

An old woman

This old woman was a Roman slave, who belonged to Septimus' group. She was health inspected by Leonard McCoy while the Enterprise landing party resided in the caves with the group. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

She was played by an unknown actress.
