ILLiad User Guide

Guide to requesting material via ILLiad (Smithsonian Libraries account holders)

What is ILLiad?
Illiad is the electronic system Smithsonian Libraries (SIL) uses to process Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests and requests for material in our catalog via the "request this" link in SIRIS.  ILLiad requires the creation of a personal account for each library user.

Who can use ILLiad?
All currently registered Smithsonian Libraries patrons are eligible to use ILLiad  to request materials not held by Smithsonian Libraries.

What can I use ILLiad to do?
Submit ILL requests
Check status of ILL requests
Request renewals of loaned materials
View a history of all requests placed by a user

How do I register?
Users will create an account by entering brief contact information and creating a username and password, register here.

Why do I need a user name and password to use ILLiad?
Your username and password allows you secure access to information about your interlibrary loan requests. It also allows you to edit your personal contact information.

Can I use my Smithsonian user name and password?
You can use any user name and password you like. It may be easier to remember this combination that you use nearly every day. However the SI network and ILLiad are not synchronized in any way and password changes made to one system will not be reflected in the other.

What if I want an assistant to place requests for me?
You can share your username and password with those who will act in your behalf. Remember however that you are responsible for all materials borrowed on your behalf and charged out to you.

What if I forget my password?
A link on the user logon page will allow users to receive a new password via e-mail. The password may be changed at any time.

Am I limited on the number of requests I can place or the types of materials I can request?
Currently, there are no limits to the number of requests that may be submitted. The types of materials is limited only by the lenders willingness to lend.

Will I be able to see all my requests when I look at my request history?
Yes. You will see all current and past requests in your account.

What about overdue items?
The due date for items will be printed on the accompanying book strap. The item must be returned on or before the due date. If you request a renewal of a book, the request must be placed before the due date.

What do the ILLiad status messages mean?
When reviewing requests, a status message is included to track the progress of the item. These are generated by the system and not customized by SIL staff. For an explanation of a particular status, please refer to this document

What is electronic delivery?
Many libraries ship photocopies of articles in electronic format. Whenever possible the ILL office will provide electronic delivery of these articles in PDF format. You will receive an e-mail when an article has been placed in your ILLiad account for electronic retrieval.

What if I receive an incomplete or unreadable copy?
You may call (202) 633-1245 or e-mail us at and tell us which pages were cut off, omitted, blurry, etc. or if the entire article was unreadable. It is helpful if you provide us with the Transaction Number (TN) of your request when you contact us.

Who should I contact if I have a problem or question about the Interlibrary Loan system?
Interlibrary Loan Office at (202) 633-1245 or email