
slim Crew

Your old pal slim. Head of Community at Letterboxd. Host of 70mmpod. I play ice hockey in my free time.

Favorite films

  • Godzilla Minus One
  • RoboCop
  • After Yang
  • Interstellar

Recent activity

  • From Beyond

  • Big Trouble in Little China


  • Dante's Peak


  • The People Under the Stairs

Pinned reviews

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


    Miles’ parents standing in front of the window at the end like Luke and Leia, insane The Empire Strikes Back homage.

    Also is this better than Empire? Hmmmmm yah yah. Dis has the potential to be the greatest trilogy of all-timmmmmme. I’ve been burned before tho so I’m approaching with caution. Kylo cracking jokes at the end TROS outa my frigging face YOU DIDNT EARN THAT ABRAMS. bUt hE’s aCtInG lIkE hiS dAd 

    Spider-Man’s the only superhero that is relatable…

  • After Yang

    After Yang


    “Are we never gonna dance again?”

    Incredibly therapeutic. I will dance again. ❤️

Recent reviews

  • From Beyond

    From Beyond

    After this was over Prime Video started auto-playing Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity so see you guys later.

  • Big Trouble in Little China

    Big Trouble in Little China


    Is Gracie Law/Kim Cattrall the hottest woman alive?

    I'm launching a full investigation.

Popular reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    First and last scenes had me hypnotized.

    Meditative and contemplative. Forces you to think about your own decisions made over the years and wonder if you can make peace with them. Their conversations in that bed? Cripes alive.

    Probably gonna spend $80 on the A24 store for a Blu-Ray of this.

  • Eyes Wide Shut

    Eyes Wide Shut

    Tom flashing his medical license around like it's a cop's badge is the most unhinged thing in this movie.