
comrade_yui Patron

Favorite films

  • Letters from Iwo Jima
  • Autumn Mists
  • Study of a River
  • Warships at Sunset

Recent activity

  • Images of Ostend


  • Rain


  • The Banks of the Thames from Oxford to Windsor


  • Rapallo


Recent reviews

  • Images of Ostend

    Images of Ostend


    finding a black cat rummaging around in the sea dunes, suspiciously regarding you and your camera, knowing in his quickening heart that his spirit will be stretched for centuries on the claptrap rack, a bad miracle to be witnessed alongside wine-colored waves, heaps of dead fish he can no longer nibble on.

  • Rain



    we haven't had rain here for over a month, everything feels so dry and brittle, so it is nice to be able to spend some time with my favorite element. ivens has great ability to transform an entire city through focusing on the weather that effects it, where people become passing shadows and reflections, and the spatial organization of motion takes center stage: where the rain flows, how it bounces and smears and pools together in certain places, an impressionistic…

Popular reviews

  • Deadpool & Wolverine

    Deadpool & Wolverine


    god help us all.

    these movies hope that if they crack enough semi-homophobic jokes at their own expense, if they give the manchildren enough corporate cameos, that somehow it wouldn't be exceedingly obvious that the only thing they are actually serious about is telling the lie that any of this stuff means something to begin with -- hey, look, it's the thing you remember, but not really, but sort of, but it's a reference, but it's a gag, but it's…

  • Last Night in Soho

    Last Night in Soho

    a film has to be more than just neon lights attached to your spotify playlist