André Hecker

André Hecker Patron

Favorite films

  • In the Mouth of Madness
  • From Dusk Till Dawn
  • Ginger Snaps
  • Oldboy

Recent activity

  • Strange Darling


  • The Substance


  • Azrael


  • Maldoror


Recent reviews

  • Strange Darling

    Strange Darling


    An average thriller that tries desperately to be special. This begins with the "this film was shot on 35mm" insert at the beginning, continues with the narrative structure divided into six chapters (which is, of course, told asynchronously) and culminates in artificial dialog that is intended to disguise the fact that this is pretty standard. The asynchronous narrative style at least makes a surprise work well and the performances by Fitzgerald and Gallner are also fine. A much more exciting…

  • Borderlands



    How you can mess up a source material like that is absolutely questionable. Borderlands offers a colourful, crazy world full of ideas, characters, weapons and humour - you just have to understand it. But Eli Roth doesn't manage to transport any of this into his film. The gags don't work, the story is banal, the action is boring and it's packaged as PG entertainment for the whole family - whereas the games franchise is aimed at the 18+ target group.…

Popular reviews

  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie

    The Super Mario Bros. Movie


    Light, sweet and playful. Ideal for kids, nostalgic for adults. Without an adult humor note, because Nintendo keeps their brands clean as usual. There is virtually no story, but an empowered Peach. You'll look for the "Damsel in distress" in vain here, because the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom kicks some serious ass. In general, the film doesn't allow itself any breathing space and is constantly going full steam ahead. If you blink once, you've missed three Easter Eggs. In…

  • The Mist

    The Mist


    Even if Darabont turned away from the book for the ending, he created one of the most uncompromising, depraved and shocking endings in film history.