Optimize Video Engagement and Ad Yield with Dynamic Strategy Rules

Deploy with Agility

4 Hours from Engagement to Live Deployment

Maximize the Value of Inventory

59% Lift in Total Views

Improve Content Performance

20-30% increase in Engagement

Deploy with Agility

One-Time Implementation (Read Docs)

  • Add a site-wide script for video placements
  • Use the Dashboard to set up strategies with advanced decision logic

Increase Efficiency

  • Reduce engineering and operations workload significantly
  • Maximize the impact of video placements

Easy to Execute

  • No development resources needed after initial setup
  • Create and manage video strategies directly from the Dashboard
Web interface showing a "Dynamic Strategy Rules" workflow with various conditional nodes such as splitting traffic and playing a pre-roll ad, including options for adding experiences and hiding the video player.

Maximize the Value of Your Inventory

Increase Revenue Opportunities

  • Use dynamic advertising based on real-time visit conditions and data triggers
  • Integrate JWP Demand Solutions to maximize revenue

Increase Efficiency

  • Dynamically manage video experiences with real-time data
  • Enhance engagement with the Keep Watching feature
Three men stand on a golf course, smiling and holding golf bags. The image is part of an online ad with a timer displaying "This ad will end in 17 seconds." Utilizing SSAI technology, this ad seamlessly integrates into live streams to better monetize content.

Improve Content Performance

Continual Testing for Improvement

  • Use A/B testing for new strategies
  • Quickly discover and deploy best practices

Scalable and Flexible

  • Implement Data Sharing to include performance data with your existing analytics reports

Real Success Stories from TechValidate Stats

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See the Results of Dynamic Strategy Rules in Action

Deploy With Agility & Optimize Revenue Performance

A leading women's magazine resolved a 73% ad impression loss due to a site violation by using Strategy Rules, restoring ad fulfillment and preventing future revenue loss.

Read the Full Case Study →

Maximize the Value of Your Video Inventory

A leading entertainment publisher improved ad fill and revenue by using Dynamic Strategy Rules and JWP Demand, optimizing their ad strategy and consolidating video management.

Read the Full Case Study →

Improve Content Performance

A leading women's magazine resolved a 73% ad impression loss due to a site violation by using Strategy Rules, restoring ad fulfillment and preventing future revenue loss.

Read the Full Case Study →

The First Google Certified Publishing Partner Video Specialist

The Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) Video Specialist is a new Google certification that is granted to companies who consistently meet the program’s requirements and demonstrate proven success in helping publishers monetize video. JWP proudly boasts being selected as the first GCPP Video Specialist.

Read the Press Release →

Google Certified Publishing Partner logo featuring "Video Specialist" in yellow text, seamlessly integrated with JW Player.

Ready to See Dynamic Strategy Rules In Action?