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QR Post Code

Automatically generate a QR code for your published posts, giving visitors quick access. When scanned, the QR code will link directly to your post.

Get Your QR Post Code

  1. Open an existing published post on your site or create and publish a new post.
  2. Click on the Jetpack icon in the post editor, then locate the QR Code section in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Get QR Code.
  1. After clicking Get QR Code, a QR code with your site logo (if set) will appear. Right-click to save it, then dismiss it with the (X). This QR code image can be shared anywhere, allowing anyone to scan it and access your published post.


How do I make sure the QR Code is working?

You can always test the QR Code before distributing or sharing the code. Just scan the code with your smartphone to ensure the post is visible.

My Site Logo is not showing in the center of the QR Code.

If you recently changed your site logo, it may take a few seconds for the change to occur in the code. If your logo is still not showing after waiting, clear your browser cache – you can learn how to clear your browser cache here.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

This QR Post Code is activated by default. The QR Post Code shows up in the Post Publish panel when publishing a new post.

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