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Migrate your site with Jetpack VaultPress Backup

Move your entire website to a fresh WordPress installation on another host, with Jetpack VaultPress Backup.

Jetpack offers a quick and easy way to migrate (or “clone”) your site when you are moving your site to a new hosting provider.

Note: Jetpack VaultPress Backup cannot be used to migrate sites which are currently hosted at

Before you Migrate

When preparing to move your site to a new host, please check the following:

  1. Your source site (the current live site) should be online and accessible.
  2. Do not make any DNS changes yet.
  3. Your destination site (the site at your new host) should not yet be using the original site’s domain or have the DNS records changed yet. The destination site should use a temporary staging URL for now. The domain will be pointed to the new site later, after the migration is done.

You will not need to manually update any URLs in your WordPress database after cloning the site. The cloning process automatically updates all your site’s URLs.

Info to obtain before migrating

Choose and set up your new hosting plan, following these steps:

  1. Ensure your new host plan meets the minimum WordPress requirements.
  2. Ensure that your new host has adequate resources for your specific site, including disk space, bandwidth, memory, and CPU. Not sure what you need? Check with your hosting provider.
  3. You need a working WordPress installation at the new host. A fresh WordPress installation is highly recommended, as the migration process will not delete any files currently on the destination WordPress site.

Before you start cloning, there are a few things you’ll need on hand:

  1. SSH/SFTP/FTP credentials for your site at your new web host.
  2. Your login credentials for your DNS host. This will usually be your domain registrar, but could also be a standalone DNS provider such as Cloudflare.
  3. The DNS records for your new server. You can obtain from your new hosting provider.

Email accounts

Jetpack’s clone feature transfers your WordPress site and its data to a new server, but will not transfer other services, such as email accounts. If you have email set up with your old hosting provider, now might be a good time to migrate this to a dedicated email host (like G Suite or Microsoft 365), which typically offer more features than standard hosting email. At the very least, make sure you have a plan for any email accounts you have set up.

When to migrate?

Plan to migrate your website when:

  • you aren’t going to be publishing any new content.
  • your site isn’t too busy, so there’s minimal interruption to visitors.

If you use Jetpack Stats, check the Insights Dashboard for information that can help you decide when to migrate.

Start the Migration

To start the site migration process, visit

  1. Click on VaultPress Backup in the left menu.
  2. Click on the button that says Copy this site.
  3. Click Enter credentials for a new destination site.
  4. Enter your destination site URL. This is the new host you’re cloning to — in most cases, you’ll need to enter your temporary/staging URL rather than your original site’s domain name. 
  5. Enter your new server credentials. Jetpack will use these to clone your site from your current host to your new host. If you’re unsure, check with your new host for the right information.
  6. Enter the destination WordPress path. If you’re unsure of this, your new host can provide this information.
  7. Click Confirm credentials.
  8. Jetpack will test the credentials to confirm they work to connect to your new site. If there are any errors, you’ll see them on the next screen with some troubleshooting suggestions. If all tests pass, click Continue.
  9. Select Clone from latest point to clone using the most recent backup. To clone from an earlier backup, scroll down and find the backup in your Activity Log, then click Clone from here.
  10. You will see a confirmation screen where you can choose the content in the backup you want to clone. If you’re migrating your site to a new host, you will usually want to leave all the boxes checked. Select the items you wish to clone and click Confirm configuration.
  11. A final confirmation message will appear to confirm you want to overwrite all content on the destination site with the content from your backup. Click Yes, Continue to begin the cloning process.
  12. You can follow the cloning progress from the Jetpack Cloud dashboard, or click Go to Activity Log to return to your site’s Activity Log.

If the clone fails before finishing, or if you experience other problems, get in touch with our support team to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Test the cloned site

Once the site move is finished and before pointing your domain name to the new host, check the new website. Ensure that your content is loading as expected and all functionality works properly. This isn’t a step to rush. Be thorough and take your time. 

Finalize the Migration

Point your domain name to your new host

Once satisfied that the migration was successful, you’ll need to change your DNS settings to point your domain name to your new server. The specific process for this depends on your provider, but here are the typical steps:

  1. Log in to your domain registrar or DNS provider and locate the area to update your DNS settings. Again, this will vary based on your provider, but they should supply clear documentation. The exact steps depend on your provider. You can also ask your provider to make this change for you. Important: Don’t remove, edit, or delete any other DNS settings unless you are certain you no longer need them. 
  2. Once you’ve saved your settings, you must wait for the DNS changes to propagate. DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to update around the world. For this reason, it’s important not to immediately cancel your old hosting until you’re confident that propagation has finished. You can verify propagation with tools such as DNS Checker.

After migrating your site, you’ll be prompted to log in to your new site. For that, use the WP-Admin username and password for the site you copied from. The cloning process overwrites everything, including the WP Admin user information.

Important: After logging in to the new site, the Jetpack Safe Mode prompt will be shown everywhere in your WP Admin. More information about Safe mode.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

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