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For all press inquiries, you can email us at press@automattic.com.   

27 million WordPress sites run on Jetpack


252.3 billion

brute force attacks blocked

1.2 billion

site backups completed

546 billion

blocked pieces of spam


156 billion

images served via Jetpack CDN

61.6 million

site searches completed

50 million

related posts displayed


2.5 trillion

page views tracked with Jetpack Stats

33.8 billion

subscription emails sent

2.6 billion

posts shared on social media

Product Images

My Jetpack: PNG

Jetpack Mobile App: PNG

Jetpack Product Icons: PNG

Jetpack Boost: PNG

27 million+ installs: PNG

Jetpack Stats: PNG

Brand logo and assets

Download black logo lockup: PNG | SVG

Download white logo lockup: PNG | SVG

Jetpack is an Automattic Company

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