WordPress Support Stories: The Price of Peace of Mind

If you had to put a price on your website, what would it be? Between the work you put into it, the money your site generates for you, the money you already invested, and the cost of having to start over, your website is pretty precious. Accidentally deleting your site or losing your data because of an attack or a bug can be expensive.

What price tag would you put on having the peace of mind that no matter what happened, you had a plugin saving copies of your site regularly?

Before choosing Jetpack, Andrew, one of our customers had the unthinkable happen: he lost his entire WordPress site without a backup. Read his story below.

Everything I Need and More

After losing a whole site, I looked into backing it up. For about the price of a Big Mac, I get peace of mind every month.

I had a small issue when reinstalling WordPress and the [Jetpack] support staff fixed it extremely quickly and were A1 helpful.

I sleep easy at night knowing they’ve got my back.

— Submitted by andrewerris.

When your site is down, the last thing you want is to have trouble reinstalling WordPress. For website owners who generate revenue through their websites, downtime or hacking can mean an immediate loss of income.

If your site experiences a loss of data without a backup, you could lose precious work, information, and momentum in growing your site’s traffic. By investing in a WordPress backup plugin that comes with support from friendly experts, so you can rest easy knowing someone has your back(up) and will help you get back online quickly.

Jetpack offers security, backups, and easy restoration. Most importantly: expert and priority support when you really need it. Learn more.

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WordPress Support Stories: When You Accidentally Delete Your Site

When you rely solely on your host’s built-in backups, you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. Without a third-party backup that copies your files off-site, your website could be at risk. One false move by you or your host could compromise your web files or delete them entirely.

It happens! Read a story from one of our customers.

Best Technical Support I’ve Ever Had in My Life

I had a very bad experience with my hosting. By mistake, they deleted the folder that contained my 1.6 GBs site. I decided to switch hosts and then got an error trying to restore my site. The problem was that my reg key wasn’t properly disabled from my previous host (because it got deleted). After three days of frustration trying to solve this even with my new hosting technical support, I finally decided to try [Jetpack] help chat.

I was about to cancel my subscription and only keep my new host backup system. Now, they are secondary, [and Jetpack] is and always will be my first option. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

— Submitted by zapitz.

Running your website without a quality backup is risky. It’s important to prepare for any situation with a complete and easy-to-access backup of your site. Every hour your website is offline can have an impact on your site’s success.

Choosing a plugin that keeps your site secure and runs systematic backups of your data is crucial to preparing yourself for the unthinkable. Choosing a plugin that comes with live chat support with WordPress experts means you’ll always have help when it matters most.

Whatever your issue, Jetpack support will help you get to the bottom of it and get your site back online as quickly as possible.

Jetpack offers security, backups, and easy restoration. Most importantly: expert and priority support when you really need it. Learn more.

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WordPress Support Stories: When a Theme Update Goes Awry

Updating your WordPress theme is a normal part of site maintenance. Switching themes or even updating current theme files on a self-hosted WordPress site is a major change that should only be done with a full site backup, just in case something goes awry. Need proof? Read Les Tokar’s story.

Les publishes reviews and articles about solid state drives (SSD) and other data storage technologies on his two sites: TechnologyX and The SSD Review. What he thought would be a smooth theme upgrade quickly derailed, but a quick restore saved his site, his search engine ranking, and his income.

The Miracle Worker

Tonight we completed a theme upgrade that had taken the better part of a week to fine tune. Our website is a business that employs several and does very well. At 9:00 p.m., we followed the new theme’s instructions on how to import sample data.

What the update never told us was that it created a new website on top of ours. It imported dozens of pictures and pages and went live immediately. To share just a bit of what we endured, we had to pull automated posts off of each of our 23 social connections (FB/Delicious/Twitter etc.,) as the theme update auto-posted to all.

Next, Google picks up our content within three seconds of posting. Google realized something was wrong and dropped us from their rankings within 10 minutes. We went from hundreds of visitors at any one time to eight-nine within minutes. Long story short, we used Jetpack’s site restore for the first time and it worked quickly and perfectly. What little we have invested doesn’t compare to its value tonight alone. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

— Submitted by flamenko

Big changes like a WordPress site design overhaul can quickly go wrong for various reasons. It’s important to prepare for any situation with a complete site backup you can restore quickly and easily. Every minute your site’s offline reduces your business success. For site owners who generate revenue through their sites, downtime or hacking can mean a loss of data, income, brand credibility, and even search engine ranking.

Jetpack offers daily and real-time backups. There’s no cap on backup size, and three simple ways to restore your site.

  • If your site has several things wrong with it and you’re unable to pinpoint the problem or you’re migrating your entire site, a full restore will get you back on track.
  • You can also choose to do a faster partial restore or perform a single-file restore for common mistakes like accidentally deleting or messing up your CSS file.
  • Not sure what you need? Jetpack priority support is here to guide you through the process in your moment of need.

Jetpack offers security, backups, and easy restoration. Most importantly: expert and priority support when you really need it. Learn more.

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