Blog of the Day

Published on under the IndieWeb category.

With so many people blogging – in what I consider to be a “personal website renaissance” – we need more ways to help people find blogs. We already have many mechanisms to find blogs: blogrolls, webrings, clicking through links on blog posts published on personal websites, and more. But I think we need more.

A few months ago, I had the idea to start a website that chooses one blog a day to be featured as the “blog of the day.” The site would broadcast an RSS feed of the blog of the day, offering a new way for you to passively find new websites. I was excited by the serendipity this would offer: you may find the featured blog in your RSS feed resonates with you and becomes your next favourite blog. This project was designed to work at a slow pace: you should never feel overwhelmed with too many things to explore.

I did not announce Blog of the Day because I didn’t complete it. I was delighted by the concept, but got distracted and went to work on something else. With my working on so many projects, it became hard to revisit some of my older ones, even if I loved the idea.

Fellow member of the blogosphere (I am determined to bring that word back) Joe volunteered to take over the website and I’m thrilled to announce that Blog of the Day is now live.

On Blog of the Day, you can find a random blog that is selected from a file on GitHub. Joe has published instructions on how you can add your blog to the list of blogs from which one is selected at random every day. The change happens automatically as a result of a GitHub Action.

If you are looking for new personal websites to explore, consider subscribing to the Blog of the Day RSS feed.

Side note: I am looking for a new, coffee-loving owner for, and a rhyme lover to run If either of these project sound interesting to you, and you’re up for making them better, please send me an email!

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