Fun with Words

Published on under the Fun with Words category.

As I write, Taylor Swift music is flowing through my ears, a mesmerising acoustic rendition of Epiphany. The weather has been warm of late. I saw an ensemble of small birds flying in the same area yesterday evening. The birds were so swift that I was unable to ascertain the colours on some of them. And now I find myself thinking about all of the words I have noted down in the last few days, realising it is time for another edition of Fun with Words.

Here are the fun words for today:

  • Askew: Not level. (Fun fact: If you search for “askew” on Google, the page will not be level. A fun easter egg indeed, although a bit disconcerting when I loaded the page at first while researching before writing my definition of “askew”.)
  • Acquiescent: Willing to do what other people want to do.
  • Tractable: Easy to control or handle.
  • Loquacious: Talkative.
  • Motley: A varied mix.

Now to use all of the words above in a single sentence as I sometimes do in this series. Here is my attempt:

Lily found the councillor tractable, loquatious, and acquiescent when advocating on behalf of a motley group of protestors petitioning the new legislation, which was described by some as poorly written and, by one protestor, “askew”.

It took me a minute or two to figure out how to fit “askew” into the aforementioned sentence. Inspired by John “Hannibal” Smith in The A Team, I must say: I love it when a sentence comes together.

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