Moments of joy: Little bites

Published on under the Moments of Joy category.

I like to reflect on moments of joy on this blog: the tiny moments throughout your day that make you feel happy, joyful, or alive. Many of these moments are what I observe; the serendipitous little things that happen as I go about my day. I wanted to try something new in this series: summarize a few little moments of joy in one post, the ones that may not make their way into a longer feature post.

Here are a few moments of joy from my mind:

  • The train conductor: A few months ago, I was on a train and the conductor said words like “awesome” or “amazing” to everyone after he scanned their tickets. He had a strong repertoire of synonyms for “awesome”. It was delightful; hearing his enthusiasm made me smile and stop for a moment to reflect on the kindness of strangers.
  • The piano: Earlier today, a child aged no more than three watched me play piano. I yielded the piano, offering her the opportunity to play. Her dad took her up to the piano stool and she sat and played keys. She smiled the kind of smile you only see from a young person who is really excited. Beaming. I couldn’t help but smile, too. I love seeing people play pianos in public: every listening experience is different. The child was illuminated by the piano.
  • The cherry blossoms: On a tram in Edinburgh, riding down Princess Street, I saw many cherry blossoms next to each other. A couple took a photo in front of one of the trees. Edinburgh Castle was in the background. Petals were falling occasionally. People stood to admire the trees. I, too, was admiring them. There is something special about seeing pink trees in the foreground and a 900-year-old castle in the background. I felt joy.

If you’d like a challenge, write down one of the moments that brought you joy. You don’t have to publish what you write (although I’d love to read what you have written if you do!). Look out for the small things that happen around you that make you smile; that make you feel immersed in your environment. Strangers offering each other help. Couples kissing in a beautiful environment. Birds chirping. An unexpected advert on a bus. A kind message from a friend.

What moments have brought you joy lately?

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