Scottish Coffee Roasters I Have Tried

Published on under the Coffee category.

A piece of cardboard with cut out coffee photos sticked on

Over the last few months, I have spent quite a bit of time learning about the Scottish coffee industry. I know many cafes and roasteries in Scotland and I have even interviewed many people who own coffee businesses in Scotland. Alongside my learning about the Scottish coffee industry, I have ordered from various roasters as I have needed coffee. I like to explore new roasters as I often find interesting coffees sold by roasters from whom I do not regularly order.

I have been asked a few times to recommend coffee roasters. I thought instead that I would make a list of all of the Scottish coffee roasters from whom I have tried coffee and that I feel comfortable recommending. I decided to create a list of Scottish roasters so is list that anyone who is interested in ordering coffee from a Scottish roaster can find the names of businesses to research. My list is by no means comprehensive as I have only ordered from so many roasters; there are dozens more roasters from whom I have never purchased coffee (yet!).

Here are the roasters from whom I have tried coffee and feel comfortable recommending, in no particular order:

In the future, I intend to try coffee from many other roasters. There is plenty of choice here in Scotland. If you are looking to buy a coffee from a Scottish roaster, you should be able to find at least one interesting coffee on the websites listed above.

Full disclosure: I write for Steampunk Coffee’s blog, but this in no way influences their mention on this list. I have had many coffees I enjoy from Steampunk, including an excellent decaf.

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