0000 0001 0871 9763
Greg, W. W.
Greg, Walter W.
Greg, Walter Wilson
Greg, Walter Wilson (Bibliographe)
Greg, Walter Wilson (Dr)
Greg, Walter Wilson (Sir)
W. W. Greg (britischer Shakespearegelehrter)
W. W. Greg (Brits literatuurhistoricus (1875-1959))
W. W. Greg (English bibliographer and Shakespeare scholar)
Walter Wilson Greg (bibliographe et professeur de lettres)
Creation class: 
Language material
Creation role: 
commentator for written text
Related names: 
British Academy
Greene, Robert
Greg, Walter Wilson
Henslowe, Philip -1616
Jonson, Ben (1573?-1637)
Lodge, Thomas (1558-1625)
MacKerrow, Ronald Brunlees
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-1593)
McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees (1872-1940)
Peele, George
Pollard, Alfred W. (1859-1944))
Pollard, Alfred William
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Udall, Nicholas (1504-1556)
Wilson, Robert (15..-1600)
Alphonsus King of Aragon, 1599 ...
Antonio and Mellida : & Antonio's revenge
Ben Jonson's Every man in his humor
bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, A
calculus of variants, The : an essay on textual criticism
Catalogue of the books presented by Edward Capell to the Library of Trinity College in Cambridge
Christmas prince
Clyomon and Clamydes, 1599
Collected papers
companion to Arber, being a calendar of documents in Edward Arber's ""Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640"", with text and calendar of supplementary documents, A
Contention between Liberality and Prodigality, 1602
Dramatic documents from the Elizabethan playhouses : stage plots : actors' parts : prompt books
editorial problem in Shakespeare, The : a survey of the foundations of the text
Edmond Ironside, or War hath made all friends
English literary autographs, 1550-1650
Englishmen for my money, 1616
Fair Em.
Fidele and Fortunio, the two Italian gentlemen
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
Gesta Grayorum, 1688
Hamlet; second quarto, 1604-5 ...
Henslowe's Diary
Hist. of masques, pageants ... 1902.
Humorous day's mirth, 1599
Jack Juggler
King Edward the First
Larum for London, 1602
Licensers for the press, &c. to 1640 : a biographical index based mainly on Arber's transcript of the registers of the Company of Stationers
list of English plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700, A
Lodge's 'Rosalynde,' : being the original of Shakespeare's 'As you like it'
Look about you, 1600
looking-glass for London and England, A
love of King David and fair Bethsabe, The
Massacre at Paris
merchant of Venice, 1600 (Hayes quarto) ..., The
Merry wives of Windsor
Modern language quarterly., The
most virtuous & godly Susanna, The
New enterlude of godly queene Hester...
Old wives tale, 1595
Orlando Furioso
Pastoral poetry and pastoral drama, a literary inquiry with special reference to the pre-restoration stage in England...
Pedlar's prophecy, 1595
Pericles, 1609 ...
play of Antichrist, from the Chester cycle, The
Play of patient Grissell
Rare triumphs of Love and Fortune
Records of the Court of the Stationers' Company...
Roister Doister
Scottish history of James the Fourth, 1598
Shakespeare first folio, The : its bibliographical and textual history
Shakespeare quarto facsimiles
Shakespeare's hand in the play of Sir Thomas More
Sir Walter Wilson Greg a collection of his writings
Soddered citizen
Some aspects and problems of London publishing : between 1550 and 1650
Some points in bibliographical descriptions
Spanish tragedy, with additions, 1602
T. Berthelet ; J. Butler ; J. Herford ; T. Gibson ; J. Nycholson ; R. Grafton ; J. Mayler ; T. Raynalde ; W. Middleton ; R. Kele ; R. Lant ; R. Wolfe
theatre of Apollo, 1926:, The
Tom Tyler and his wife
Tragedy of Caesar's revenge
tragedy of Mariam. 1613., The
Tragedy of Tancred and Gismund 1591-2
Tragedy of Tiberius, 1607
trial & flagellation, with other studies in the Chester cycle., The
Troilus and Cressida, First quarto, 1609
True tragedy of Richard the Third
two angry women of Abington., The : 1599.
variants in the first quarto of ʻKing Lear'; a bibliographical and critical inquiry, The
variants in the first quarto of ""King Lear"", The : a bibliographical and critical inquiry
Virtuous Octavia, 1598
Weakest goeth to the wall, 1600
Welsh embassador
Wily beguiled, 1606
Wit of a woman, 1604