My life is a process Of inhaling and exhaling Of grieving the passing of Rejoicing in the newness of Feeling the wisdom of pain Wearing the comfort of love Hiding from myself While searching high and low Before finding myself Being fearful of what’s to come And being proud of what’s behind My life is…


Since he’s been around The words don’t spill out They live inside me They grow stronger More colorful, joyful A changing vocabulary Positively charged And full of hope, dreams A kaleidoscope landscape Of endless possibility And like waterfalls The words fall Effortlessly, beautifully Onto a canvas Where I paint them


Like shadows they follow Sliding past bare bushes Over broken concrete They are born inside Tears and laughter And given life inside Pain and joy Shape shifting, floating Like a buoy in water Bobbing rhythmically Over waves of experience They live in the silence Inside the dark quiet They hibernate paralyzed Morphing for years Feeding…


Sometimes I read Reddit and I ran across a question a guy asked. He was annoyed by his girlfriend’s playful antics. For instance, she liked to splash him with water when washing dishes together, put cold hands on his chest, goose him in public, slap his buttocks, stick her tongue out when he moves in…


Hello my friends. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted a new #BeReal piece but I met Matthew Mattocks and wanted you to meet him too. I’ve been Facebook friends with Matthew for many years. He was and is a friend to a few of my good friends. I recently joined him with my friends…


There was a time before I was diagnosed with severe depression that it seemed all the pain was leaking out of my eyes. I don’t miss those tears. I cried into my oatmeal No real reason why Just really tired you see I cried on the treadmill I felt broken and betrayed Need a nap…


We try so hard sometimes to fit into worlds we aren’t compatible with. It took too long for me to realize I had a lot to offer to the right person. I finally started building a nest my way and home came to me. I tried to weave myself into a life Just a comfy…


Today I sat with some past traumas. Sometimes they surface and I’ve learned to listen. Light leaves the room Full of shadows I close my eyes And wish words away I wish her away I wish him away But the shadows stay And I know tomorrow I’ll never feel the same Because the shadows Grabbed…


We have to grow into things And sometimes it’s dark and cruel That expectation To just be able to do and do And when you can’t do Because that isn’t how you grow The judgement is stifling The community goes quiet And the growing into things Becomes backing out of things Becomes avoiding things And…


My poetry prompt for NaPoWriMo and Cheer Peppers is a flow painting. Two red fall trees. More art on Hastywords Art. The flowers were so pretty The sunset so full of color The ocean waves had So many songs to sing And as time passed The horizon darkened And the moon hid The clouds bellowed And rained their pain…