My life is a process Of inhaling and exhaling Of grieving the passing of Rejoicing in the newness of Feeling the wisdom of pain Wearing the comfort of love Hiding from myself While searching high and low Before finding myself Being fearful of what’s to come And being proud of what’s behind My life is…


Hello my friends. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted a new #BeReal piece but I met Matthew Mattocks and wanted you to meet him too. I’ve been Facebook friends with Matthew for many years. He was and is a friend to a few of my good friends. I recently joined him with my friends…


We have to grow into things And sometimes it’s dark and cruel That expectation To just be able to do and do And when you can’t do Because that isn’t how you grow The judgement is stifling The community goes quiet And the growing into things Becomes backing out of things Becomes avoiding things And…


There are lots of things I hate About trauma Real honest to goodness trauma Like… How it automatically steals Future joy How it cripples effective communication How it makes trenches With one way signs in brains How it dictates patterns Of protection Of avoidance Of self-sabotage Of self- destruction Of hyper-vigilance How it demands boundaries…


The days are too short The minutes too few I wasted so many already On hurt feelings On tears of surrender On disliking myself On anger and frustration On wishes and hopes On sleep… on avoidance On escapism and heartache Precious golden seconds Carelessly spent On too many of the wrong Small things And not…


A crystal looking glass fed with ghosts Reflecting an image that hurts to see Faraway glances piercing the light Leaving waves of dark that bite at me Gasoline torches and crosses of wood Brought to exorcise the eyelet lace Yellowing and faded as figures stood Mouths with multiple tongues speak Demanding a life half lived,…


It’s strange to me Looking back now At the way I was I felt confident Shimmery Or like A disco ball Breathing colors On every surface I felt magical Like a unicorn With pretty clothes And glittery makeup Totally deluded By my own Optical illusions


I don’t know what eliminates wrinkles or what food plan works best for what body type. I don’t know how to do math problems in my head, how to use apostrophes correctly, or what the heck a semicolon is for. I can’t tell you where Kentucky is or where most of the other 50 states…


Depression is like A taped up box Easy to open Packed full of Past experience Past mistakes Come sift through Remember this? You should be ashamed Depression is like A spooky Cabinet With no lock Fragile China feelings Ugly handmade dolls Mascara black eyes You should be embarrassed Depression is like An old jewelry box…


Did I do it right? Am I doing it right? How many times do I ask myself or God this question everyday? My perspective changes. My opinion changes. There is no right or wrong there is only what I did and what I will do. I question my choices hoping to get wiser and smarter…