Hello my friends. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted a new #BeReal piece but I met Matthew Mattocks and wanted you to meet him too. I’ve been Facebook friends with Matthew for many years. He was and is a friend to a few of my good friends. I recently joined him with my friends…


Hiding behind scars As if they are trees Camouflaged And silent And buried deep Are the cries of help And the hopes of joy All words end here Some days I can’t even speak without hating myself.


There was a time before I was diagnosed with severe depression that it seemed all the pain was leaking out of my eyes. I don’t miss those tears. I cried into my oatmeal No real reason why Just really tired you see I cried on the treadmill I felt broken and betrayed Need a nap…


We try so hard sometimes to fit into worlds we aren’t compatible with. It took too long for me to realize I had a lot to offer to the right person. I finally started building a nest my way and home came to me. I tried to weave myself into a life Just a comfy…


I don’t write a lot of happy poetry because I share my happiness fully and freely with people. I write poetry when I’m frustrated, angry, or hurt. I write poetry because I can share my thoughts without burdening someone else with them. I have plenty of people who wouldn’t consider it a burden but for…