Depression watched her sitting in the dark stairwell smearing her cheeks with snot and mascara.  Nights for her were always like this; they slept she wept.  He had been seducing her for months and she never failed to meet him here.  Tonight, he would kiss her until she had no breath left and he would…


I am excited about my new duet partner.  Sometimes people come into your life and you think, “there is a reason for this”.  I had this thought as we wrote the duet below.  I think we are going to have some fun writing together.  I also found out she has published a few books I…


I don’t know Merry well enough to write a post as beautifully as TwinDaddy did. I did however write a short poem and hope that we as a community of bloggers can help another who is in need. Please read this post for details on how you can help. When there is no place else…


I am very excited to finally have something to post with this beautiful lady.  I believe I first met Nicole Marie during a twitter conversation happening between several other very talented bloggers over a year ago.  Since then I have been lucky enough to watch her life unfold on Facebook and I think she is…

FINDING BEAUTY by Tina Hickman

I love this beautiful girl.  Sometimes people come into your life you just know will always be a part of you even even if they have to move on at some point. This pretty girl weaseled her way into our hearts and is now an extension of our family.  She wrote this beautiful thought and…

TRUE LOVE by HastyMom

I didn’t really know my Grandparents very well, I mean… I did lots of fun things with them but to sit and talk with them and get to really know them isn’t something I ever got to do.  They both died in their early 60’s when I was barely 20.  So I am left with…


OK…so….John started this after reading something one of us wrote on twitter.  I am not sure what it was now; but it was funny….it was…really….I think.  Anyway, this poem reminds me of this picture I took being silly at a 1920’s party.  This is for everyone who gets tired of seeing me post vanity pics…


The title means lonely in Japanese which I thought would be fitting to introduce this new duet partner; NOT because she is lonely but because she is a southern girl fascinated with the Japanese culture.  This is my first duet with Kanzen Sakura and let me tell you she is fascinating.  In her ABOUT section…