


From Gaza 🇵🇸, https://gofund.me/5b6f1940 please help me and my family 🍉

Displacement Diaries [3]:

🚨 The Tent Amidst War and Hardships!!

In the midst of ongoing war, tents have become a refuge for many families who have lost their homes due to bombing and destruction. These families live in harsh conditions that offer little protection from the weather, lacking basic necessities like water and electricity. The tent, although a symbol of resilience and challenge, also reflects the state of humanitarian collapse we are experiencing.

As for us in particular, we have undergone five displacements, and with each move, we hope it will be the last. Living in a tent is not easy, especially with a large family that includes children and the elderly. We strive to adapt, but the biting cold at night and the extreme heat during the day make life inside the tent a continuous challenge. With winter approaching, our fears grow as rain and winds become an additional source of suffering. The tents do not provide adequate protection from the harsh cold or water seepage, making living conditions even more difficult.

Amid rising prices, basic necessities like food and medicine have become scarce and nearly impossible to obtain. Humanitarian aid is dwindling, and prices are skyrocketing, putting us in a difficult position as we seek new ways to secure the bare minimum for survival. Even simple daily needs have become a burden for us, and with the arrival of winter, we require additional items like warm clothing, blankets, and heating devices that have become a distant dream.

Urgent Needs for My Small and Large Family:

1. Tents and Shader: We need to secure 2 tents and Shader to protect our family from the rain, as the current situation threatens our safety due to the drop in temperatures and heavy rainfall.

2. Blankets and Clothing: We require sufficient blankets to keep our family warm, in addition to suitable clothing and footwear to face the harsh weather conditions.

3. Total Amount Needed:The total cost for these urgent needs is estimated at $6000.

Current Danger: The lack of these essentials over the next week puts our family at significant risk, especially given the current conditions we are facing, which could lead to our drowning due to the rain and rising sea levels.

Dear friends who support Palestine, please participate and write about.


Displacement Diaries [2]:


The lack of hygiene supplies threatens my family’s life

  1. The impact of war on hygiene and the spread of diseases: The war on Gaza has not only destroyed buildings and infrastructure but also targeted essential services that directly affect people’s lives, including clean water and sanitation systems. The Israeli occupation, by deliberately targeting these vital services, contributes to the increased spread of diseases and epidemics. The absence of basic hygiene supplies such as soap, disinfectants, and clean drinking water leads to an unhealthy environment, causing diseases to spread quickly, especially among children and the elderly. In this context, maintaining hygiene becomes nearly impossible in the absence of basic resources, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.
  2. My family’s suffering due to the lack of hygiene supplies: For my family, consisting of 11 members and currently living in a tent after repeated displacement, the severe shortage of hygiene supplies has made things more difficult. Both children and adults are at risk of diseases due to the inability to maintain daily cleanliness, especially as we are crowded into one small space. Even clean water has become limited, which adds to our suffering. Sadly, every time we try to meet our hygiene needs, we are faced with the harsh reality of exorbitant prices and a lack of essential supplies.
  3. Our basic needs: Under these harsh conditions, our need for hygiene supplies such as soap, disinfectants, clean water, and sanitary products, as well as basic child care items like diapers and milk for my little son Omar, increases. Unfortunately, providing these items has become impossible given the skyrocketing prices and lack of aid, putting the health of all my family members at increasing risk day by day. Children, in particular, are highly vulnerable to skin diseases and epidemics due to the lack of a clean and healthy environment.
  4. A call for help: In the face of this difficult humanitarian situation, we turn to kind-hearted people and anyone who has the ability to help to contribute to providing the necessary hygiene supplies for my family and other families suffering like us. Your donations will help protect the health of children, women, and the elderly who are facing the daily risk of disease. Saving a child's life could start with a bar of soap, and protecting a family from epidemics could be achieved by providing disinfectants or clean water. Do not let this plea go unanswered; every bit of help makes a big difference.


We would like to draw your attention to our suffering due to the lack of hygiene supplies and clean water, as well as their high prices, which put the health of my family and other families at risk of diseases. Your support in providing these essential needs can help protect the lives of children and the elderly. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a big difference. Thank you for your support.

The campaign is documented by @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost.


Displacement Diaries [1]:


Between the Fear of the Unknown and the Pain of Anticipation... This is How We Prepare for Winter

Winter here is unlike anywhere else in the world; it reveals the harsh reality we live every day amid the ongoing brutal war on Gaza.

Our anxiety grows as a family of 11, knowing that our worn-out tent could turn into a nightmare if water seeps in, making our suffering even worse. The children and elderly among us are already suffering from the bitter cold, and illnesses are spreading due to the humidity.

We are in desperate need of your support during these difficult times. Your donations can make a significant difference by providing Shader to improve rain protection, wood to strengthen the tent and ensure its stability, as well as warm clothing and shoes to face the freezing cold. Proper coverings will also help shield everyone from the harsh weather. Your support will have a major impact on improving our lives and giving us hope to face this harsh winter.

Shader: It is what is placed over the tent to protect it from rainwater

Don't let my family face winter alone. Be part of the relief effort that brings hope in a time of need. Every moment of delay in receiving humanitarian aid means additional suffering for us.



this is siraj @siraj2024’s friend please help him out!

Thank you so much @schoolhater for your amazing support to my friend Siraj! We are proud of people like you who stand by this cause and show solidarity. Your support means a lot to all of us. 🙏❤️


Displacement Diaries [1]:


Between the Fear of the Unknown and the Pain of Anticipation... This is How We Prepare for Winter

Winter here is unlike anywhere else in the world; it reveals the harsh reality we live every day amid the ongoing brutal war on Gaza.

Our anxiety grows as a family of 11, knowing that our worn-out tent could turn into a nightmare if water seeps in, making our suffering even worse. The children and elderly among us are already suffering from the bitter cold, and illnesses are spreading due to the humidity.

We are in desperate need of your support during these difficult times. Your donations can make a significant difference by providing Shader to improve rain protection, wood to strengthen the tent and ensure its stability, as well as warm clothing and shoes to face the freezing cold. Proper coverings will also help shield everyone from the harsh weather. Your support will have a major impact on improving our lives and giving us hope to face this harsh winter.

Shader: It is what is placed over the tent to protect it from rainwater

Don't let my family face winter alone. Be part of the relief effort that brings hope in a time of need. Every moment of delay in receiving humanitarian aid means additional suffering for us.



Reminder that this campaign was vetted by 90-ghost!

And @/gaza-evacuation-funds here

€10,126 raised of €45,000 goal as of Sept 20


Displacement Diaries [1]:


Between the Fear of the Unknown and the Pain of Anticipation... This is How We Prepare for Winter

Winter here is unlike anywhere else in the world; it reveals the harsh reality we live every day amid the ongoing brutal war on Gaza.

Our anxiety grows as a family of 11, knowing that our worn-out tent could turn into a nightmare if water seeps in, making our suffering even worse. The children and elderly among us are already suffering from the bitter cold, and illnesses are spreading due to the humidity.

We are in desperate need of your support during these difficult times. Your donations can make a significant difference by providing Shader to improve rain protection, wood to strengthen the tent and ensure its stability, as well as warm clothing and shoes to face the freezing cold. Proper coverings will also help shield everyone from the harsh weather. Your support will have a major impact on improving our lives and giving us hope to face this harsh winter.

Shader: It is what is placed over the tent to protect it from rainwater

Don't let my family face winter alone. Be part of the relief effort that brings hope in a time of need. Every moment of delay in receiving humanitarian aid means additional suffering for us.



⛔Stop a minute‼️

Get to know Hashem's family

My name is Hashem from Gaza. I am 32 years old and my wife, Samar, is 27 years old. We have a child born in the eighth month of pregnancy. His mother was premature because of my wife's fear of war. My large family consists of 8 members: my father, mother, four male brothers and 2 females. My father died in the war due to a lack of medicine in hospitals as a result of the fierce war on Gaza.

My story began when we were displaced from our home in northern Gaza in mid-October 2023 after a letter threatening eviction, and then the house was targeted and destroyed. Between this Exodus and the current fifth Exodus there are many stories and sufferings.

We now live in plastic tents, which are thermal ovens, which are not suitable for living and do not provide the minimum necessities of life, in addition to the spread of epidemics and diseases, which puts our lives in danger.

Through this campaign, we are trying to collect enough money to meet our needs and get us out of the Gaza Strip safely. We ask you to stand by us and protect us from this severe danger.

Support and share🤍

best wishes:

Hashem alshawish

The campaign was documented through:

Palestine Pride List:



I’m Hashem Al-Shawish. My family, including my wife Samer and our newborn baby Omar, has been severely impacted by the war. Our family of eight lost our income when my brothers' supermarket was destroyed. My father, who was already in poor health, died after we were displaced multiple times, eventually living in a tent. Since October 7th, we’ve faced continuous displacement and extreme conditions, leading to Omar’s premature birth and health complications due to poor living conditions.


Thank you very much. I am very happy for your support🌹🤍

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