Putas asesinas Quotes

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Putas asesinas Putas asesinas by Roberto Bolaño
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Putas asesinas Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“Uno no termina de leer, aunque los libros se acaben, de la misma manera que uno no termina de vivir, aunque la muerte sea un hecho cierto.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Escucha siempre con atención, Max, las palabras que dicen las mujeres mientras son folladas. Si no hablan, bien, entonces no tienes nada que escuchar y probablemente no tendrás nada que pensar, pero si hablan, aunque sólo sea un murmullo, escucha sus palabras y piensa en ellas, piensa en su significado, piensa en lo que dicen y en lo que no dicen, intenta comprender qué es lo que en realidad quieren decir. Las mujeres son putas asesinas, Max, son monos ateridos de frío que contemplan el horizonte desde un árbol enfermo, son princesas que te buscan en la oscuridad, llorando, indagando las palabras que nunca podrán decir.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“O gözler başarı, mutluluk, doyum isteği, zafer beklentisiyle bakan gözlerdi, bunlar sadece gelecekte olan şeylerdir, en iyisi hiç beklememek çünkü hiçbir zaman gelmez beklenenler.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Когато умрях, ми идваше да се разсмея с цяло гърло.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Yo empecé a escribir porque la poesía me hace más libre, maestro, y nunca lo voy a dejar.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
tags: likes
“Como dicen los gángsters, no es nada personal, Max. Por supuesto, en esa aseveración hay algo de verdad y algo de mentira. Siempre es algo personal. Hemos llegado indemnes a través de un túnel del tiempo porque es algo personal. Te he elegido a ti porque es algo personal”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Мисля, че тя никога, дори в най-лошите времена, не е отписвала възможността да бъде щастлива.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“По онова време бях още млад и ми беше непосилно да употребявам думата "убивам". Никога не убивах: отписвах, заличавах, довършвах, ликвидирах, правех на пюре и на кайма, приспивах, размазвах, очиствах, уморявах, светявах маслото, пращах на оня свят, архивирах, разказвах играта. Разкатавах.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Alles is mogelijk. Dat zou elke dichter moeten weten.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Sometimes I thought it was a good thing that he had gone blind, because that way he would never see me, never see my face, never see the look on my face when I was with him, which wasn't the look of a prostitute or a thief or a spy, but an expectant look, the look of someone hoping for anything and everything, from a kind word to a life-changing declaration.

There weren't many kind words, because Maciste didn't talk much, but there were kind gestures. And there were no life-changing declarations, or at least none I recognized at the time, though since then I've come to remember each of Maciste's words as a key or a dark bridge that surely could have led me elsewhere, as if he were a fortune-telling machine designed exclusively for me, which I know isn't true, though sometimes I like to think so, not often, because I don't lie to myself the way I used to, but every once in a while.”
Roberto Bolaño, Una novelita lumpen
“It was an almost supernatural power, I sometimes came to think (though immediately I mocked the idea), making normally talkative people like the Bolognan fall silent, or silent people like the Libyan turn entirely mute, a force that wrested every last question from the mouths of the eternally curious, that created a space of artificial silence and darkness where I could cry and writhe in pain because I didn't like what I was doing, but where I could also come as many times as I wanted and where I could walk (or probe the surface of reality with my fingertips) without false hope, without illusion, not knowing the meaning of it all but knowing the end result, knowing why things are where they are, with a degree of clarity that I haven't had since, though sometimes I sense that it's there, curled up inside of me, shrunken and dismembered - luckily for me - but still there.”
Roberto Bolaño, Una novelita lumpen
“El Ojo seguía siendo una persona rara y sin embargo asequible, alguien que no imponía su presencia, alguien al que le podías decir adiós en cualquier momento de la noche y él solo te diría adiós, sin un reproche, sin un insulto, una especie de chileno ideal, estoico y mable, un ejemplar que nunca había abandonado mucho en Chile pero que solo allí se podía encontrar.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Si no tienes nada mejor que hacer y los problemas te están matando, consulta a las putas.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
tags: advice
“Penso nos poetas mortos no potro de tortura, nos mortos de aids, de overdose, em todos os que acreditaram no paraíso latino-americano e morreram no inferno latino-americano.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas
“Poi il mio amico era tornato a Irapuato e io ero rimasto nel DF e in qualche modo tutti e due avevamo cercato di disinteressarci del lento naufragio delle nostre vite, del lento naufragio dell’estetica, dell’etica, del Messico e dei nostri sogni del cazzo.”
Roberto Bolaño, Putas asesinas