Love's Longing Quotes

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Love's Longing Love's Longing by Donna Goddard
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Love's Longing Quotes Showing 1-30 of 83
“Somewhere along the way, there develops within the soul a yearning that can no longer be ignored, a craving for the great love affair. We feel it drawing ever closer. It is the greatest of them all. It cannot fail. It is all consuming. It is incomparable. It is the love affair with our own true nature and the source from which it comes. The desire is in all of us but, more often than not, it is ignored for other interests. We wrestle with each interest, trying to make it work, growing with each adventure until the light has grown bright enough for us to reach for it.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Gardens have the magic to heal. When one is grieving, nature’s smile is a tender place to be.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“We don’t know when a compatible person will come into our life. We don’t know, for sure, if they will leave or stay. If they leave, we don’t know if they will return. We don’t know if we will always feel the relationship is compatible and if we will want to be there. We don’t really know anything. We can only graciously accept what life brings and all the terror of change that comes with it and then keep moving forward. Life is not static. It doesn’t start nor does it end. It changes form. It is ongoing with highs and lows, successes and crushing failures, experiments, beautiful moments, touching visions, angers, forgiveness, awe, and love.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“It is warmer here. Can you see the light? Trust it. It is safe. It has lived a long time. It has seen much more than you. You fight a demon that you once knew but the demon is already slain. And from the corner of your eye you will see the scattered, sacred fire reform again. Settle, settle. Peace, peace”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Walk a bit further.
There is a different land not far away.
The people in it have the magic to break the icy fingers of the great death.
I heard that you don’t even have to pay.
However, you have to find their door.
It is only found by those who pay the other price.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“More than nakedness,
for there is no cover to take.
The fire in your eyes
is ringed with water; wide and cool.
We are far from the brutal place,
but you do not think so.
You take my hand
and disappear like you were never there,
except that I am now somewhere else.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it.”
Donna Goddard, Love s Longing
“When we share our naked bodies, our financial future, the range of our good and bad emotions, our dearest dreams, our most painful memories, our trembling fears, our fragile hopes, and our sweetest joys then a relationship cannot be anything other than a uniquely powerful opportunity.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“People hurting us helps us to let go of wanting them to love us. It is the beginning of learning how to love purely.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“To be in love with Life is to be in touch with our spiritual essence. It is to see beauty and loveliness wherever we go. It is to see the glow of divinity in all those around us.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“A bad fight is anything which does not help to move the relationship and the people involved forward. If one dominates the other, it will eventually be at the expense of the relationship. Everything depends on the intention. If the intention is to hurt, belittle, ignore, reject or win then good will struggle to come from that. If the intention is to wrestle with some boundaries and deal with unresolved issues then that is positive and important. Love for the other person and respect for their rights, as well as our own rights, will set a steady course for any argument. Of most value is a sincere desire to make the relationship work which, after all, is often why we fight. We want the relationship to honestly work.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Insecure and unfulfilled people cannot help but be jealous. Only inner security and individual fulfilment as a person will reduce jealousy until, one day, it disappears. It will be replaced by a calm confidence, a steady happiness, a strong resilience, and an interesting, beautiful life. If we keep our eyes on our own path in life, we will lose the egotistical pride which frequently accompanies success and also makes us vulnerable to a fall. When things go well, we will be grateful. When they do not, we will be patient. We will accept success with ease and perspective, and failure with tolerance.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“If we try every day to find that place inside us that can see a little more light and give a little more love, the quality of our life will improve significantly. We all long for love. It is the human inheritance to have such a longing. However, we must discover that in order to find it, we must give it. And when we learn to give it, we find that it is, quite amazingly, everywhere around us.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Dancing is an innately spiritual affair. It reaches beyond words to the essence of beauty. Its height is Divinity and its depth is humanity. It is the ever moving balance between independence and intimacy. All the while, it reaches into the great Beyond.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Many people say the right thing in public because they do not want to be seen as mean. However, it is what we say in private, to our best friends, supporters, and colleagues, that truly forms us. It makes up our energy field and defines us. Although we think people do not know what we say and do, others do know. They often find out. And even if they don’t know the specific details, they can sense our integrity or lack of it.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Human love is the shadow of the Great love; its child. And of all human loves, it is romantic love which has the most riveting effect upon our soul. Ageless and perennial, it is forever finding an outlet in poetry, music, dance, story-telling, and the media. We never tire of it. It commands attention at so many turns, such is the longing for its presence in our life. It is not by accident that it has such an unfailing pull on our psyche. If we cannot connect with visible human love, we will not be able to find the invisible Love. Human love is leading us, most of us unknowingly, straight to the divinity of our own nature. And that nature leads us, in turn, to the source of life itself.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“The ego is always looking for support because, essentially, it is very afraid and is constantly failing to give us the happiness it promises. It doesn't know what it is doing. It has delusions of grandeur that unfailingly disappoint. It is a poor guide and companion compared to the spirit, albeit, a loud one. There is a beautiful grandeur in us. If we claim it, we would never again turn to the trifling and pathetic attempts of the ego at grandiosity.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“We love with all our heart, in every way that we can love but the heart is not burdened. We learn to keep it light and pliable. It has space. It breathes. It waits on Life to give instructions. It sings with sweetness when the winds are soft and warm. It stands with calm patience when the storm is brewing. It lets go when death and seeming endings have left their irrefutable mark. It moves. It heals. It hopes. It allows Life to be lived in the safe, fertile, and still inner space where it grows stronger and more compelling every day.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“We are not trying to understand intention so that we can damn every person who thinks badly of us. We are trying to understand intention so that we are safer, our loved ones are safer, and so that our life projects are not sabotaged. We want to help other people to become a better version of themselves. We are not blaming people for acting and thinking badly. Acting and thinking badly is normal in our world. We want to help it to improve. We want everyone to improve.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“The price of a successful relationship is devotion. Devotion is, essentially, commitment to something we value. We are devoted to the wellbeing of another person and the wellbeing of the relationship. We honour the value of the other person and we honour the worth of the relationship.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“Life can evolve in a most positive but unexpected manner if we do not resist it and kill its tender beauty with our fears. We all have inner abilities to fulfil, a path to patiently discover, people to connect with who will become pivotal in our life, and a love of certain things which make us feel glad to be alive. Every little step in that direction, every little decision to allow that movement to happen, every brave letting go, and every open embracing will bring us what we need.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“The expression of Life neither originates within a single human nor belongs to that person exclusively. Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
They fell asleep and dreamed a fog.
They had words but not meaning.
And with the mist, there came a fear.
The mist grew thicker.
A whispered voice from the Great Beyond.
Love will heal the people.
It washed away the scent of shame.
No one said, “It should not be so.”
There was silence.
What is it? A strange feeling.
Foreign at first but now familiar.
We do not have to hide.
The crystal light extends out.
Pulsing with aliveness.
The memory of pain passes.
What were we so afraid of?”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“It could be said that we become so much a stranger that we disappear and find ourselves reborn in the midst of humanity which is quite a paradox.”
Donna Goddard, Love s Longing
“We give our all to our relationships. We give our love, pain, joy, fear, and hope. We give our body, mind, and spirit. We trust the other person with all that we are. Fighting is a small price to pay for the opportunity to give something as beautiful as a person’s whole being. The really beneficial relationships are the ones where we are deeply connected to the other. Sometimes, they tear us apart and then reform us. They can be painful and scary ventures. One has to have courage. One day, there will be nothing left to fight about.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“I am always safe.
I am protected by God who cares for me day and night.
God’s power is infinitely greater than any power to the contrary.
The angels are around me, keeping me safe, and whispering good things into the ears of my friends and enemies.
There are many, passed-over loved ones (even those I do not know) who watch over me and pray for me.
I have a purpose on Earth and God will help me to fulfil it.
I release my fears. I am at peace.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“If we learn not to grab, insist, manipulate, or force then the precious moments have more chance of just appearing, usually when we are not looking. They may even stay a little longer, if we do not grasp onto them insisting that they do not move. With practice, consistency, and commitment to the evolution of the partnership, something beautiful and meaningful has a chance of evolving.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“If we do not treat our partner with respect, if we do not listen to them, if do not make them feel safe to say what they really want, then the communication channels will close. If our focus is to protect only our own interests, at all cost, the cost will be the actual relationship.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
Mind the space, so long endured,
it’s best for our protection.
I hope it’s true, for if it’s not
a thousand loves have I betrayed.

Look closer, dear,
a voice it sings as if it was a lullaby.
But if I heed it may become
the lure of my demise.

In fear, we come together
seeking a place of refuge.
In fear, we keep the space
lest our refuge become our captor.

The moments of sweetness
so easily discarded
when danger calls from
the abyss between the two.

Do not push away love’s hand
in punishment for what it cannot give.
Together we bypass the gap
which is as deep as it is old.

Forget the chasm
so jaded with angry dreams.
Our fear is empty-handed.
Love’s hand has room for the other.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing
“The soul must first realize that something seems to be missing before it can, one day, know that nothing was missing at all.”
Donna Goddard, Love's Longing

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