Find Me Quotes

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Find Me Find Me by Laura van den Berg
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Find Me Quotes Showing 1-25 of 25
“Is there any greater mystery than the separateness of each person?”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“If you have no way to mark the hours, no variance in the days, time will open its mouth and swallow you.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“A nightmare becomes a nightmare when you start to believe it will never end.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“Hope is a seductive thing," he says. "Hope can make people lose all sense.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“I have started to think of the sickness not as a single, contained catastrophe, but as part of a series of waves. We are still burning. What will be the wave that puts us out?”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“If your unconscious mind wishes you to be well, you are well. If it wishes you to be sick, you become sick. If it wishes you to die, you die.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“Things I will never forget: my name, my made-up birthday, the rattle of a train in a tunnel. The sweet grit of toothpaste. The bitterness of coffee and blood. The dark of the Hospital at night. My mother’s face, when she was young. *   *   * Things other people will forget: where they come from, how old they are, the faces of the people they love. The right words for bowl and sunshine and sidewalk. What is a beginning and what is an end.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“She will forget all the warnings, because another small part of her is always thinking, What else can you do to me?”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“you try to shake them out, shake them away, but your memory won’t let you. In”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“In the light of the bathroom, I see lines on my face. They almost look like scars except I've never been cut by anything but time.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“A theory on why we stop remembering: there is a part of our story that we do not know how to tell to ourselves and we will away its existence for so long that finally our brain agrees to a trade: I will let you forget this, but you will never feel whole.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“I'm scared of rabbits. Aren't you scared of rabbits?" I heard Darcie say to him once.

"Rabbits are afraid of everything," he replied. "That's what makes them dangerous.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“A great convulsion of the earth, or at least our American corner of it. Isn't that what we have all lived through?”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“Ever wanted to test your own level of invisibility? Write out your obituary and see how many people you are survived by.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“Didn't I know the worst dangers weren't the obvious ones?”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“Her son survived the sickness, then dove off the Golden Gate Bridge. He left a note telling her he couldn't trust the world anymore....

"When could we ever?" she says.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“I told myself that I was used to impermanence, that attachments would get me exactly nowhere, but then some people stay with you in ways you don't expect and you try to shake them out, shake them away, but your memory won't let you.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“How much time do we spend considering the reactions of our actions, the way one disaster can give way to another, like mud sliding down a mountain in springtime?”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“For as long as I could remember, the weather had felt apocalyptic. Y2K fever and the War on Drugs and the War on Terror. The death of bees and the death of bats and radioactivity in the oceans and ravenous hurricanes. I thought the country was like a fire that would rage and rage until the embers lost their heat....”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“In a place far away from anyone or anywhere, I drifted off for a moment. —”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“We believe what we see, whether it's real or not.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“What is a baby but a ghost turning real inside you?”
Laura van den berg, Find Me
“You look hard at all the wrongness in this new face, you look hard at the ways that wrongness has shaped it, and you have to decide if this new face is something you can live with.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“In Massachusetts, I have seen snow that falls as heavy as a driving rain and drifts as tall as me. I have seen winds that shred power lines and uproot trees. I think I am prepared.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me
“It is a relief to know there are people out there who will always choose living.”
Laura van den Berg, Find Me