The Forbidden Wish Quotes

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The Forbidden Wish (The Forbidden Wish, #1) The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury
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The Forbidden Wish Quotes Showing 1-30 of 128
“And what do you know of love?"
"That it must be a choice."
"Oh, my naive thief. " I pause briefly to meet his gaze. "Love is rarely a choice.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“As the poets say, stories are truth told through lies.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“The things that were once sweet to me are now bitter. The sun is not half so bright. The stars seem dimmer. All this wealth and luxury feels meaningless. All the world is in your shadow, Zahra. I cannot help but see you when I close my eyes.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“You can’t choose what happens to you, but you can choose who you become because of it. ~Aladdin”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“There is only one thing more numerous than the stars,” I say, looking up to the heavens. “And that is the darkness that holds them.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“If you're not free to love, your're not free at all.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Time has a different meaning for me, and these events that seem so monumental in the moment will one day be nothing more than a line in a scroll. These humans are but letters to be inked into history. A hundred years from now, I will be free. I will have forgotten their names and faces, and the struggles they have will not matter. Time has a way of burying things, shifting like the desert and swallowing entire civilizations, erasing them from map and memory. Always, in the end, everything returns to dust.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Because happiness itself is a mythical construct, a dream you humans tell yourselves to get through each day. It is the moon, and you, like the sun, pursue it relentlessly, chasing it around and around, getting nowhere.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
tags: zahra
“The price of every lie is that the truth will always come out.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Nothing is worth betraying someone you love. ~Aladdin”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“You’re a—you’re a—”
Say it, boy. Demon of fire. Monster of smoke. Devil of sand and ash. Servant of Nardukha, Daughter of Ambadya, the Nameless, the Faceless, the Limitless. Slave of the Lamp. Jinni.
“. . . a girl!” he finishes.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“He is the sun, and I am the moon. We must stay apart or the world will be thrown out of balance.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Even a thief may have honor, and even a jinni may have a heart.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Cruelty, I understand. But kindness frightens me, for my defenses are weak against it. ~Zahra”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“The universe sings a deep, eternal song, sound in waves, in deep sighs, in whispers, in swirling chords and rising, falling tones. The music of the worlds, weaving in a pattern that is both chaos and order, both beauty and terror, without beginning, without end.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
Get control of yourself, Zahra!
My name isn’t Zahra. I am Smoke-on-the-Wind, Curl-of-the-Tiger’s-Tail, Girl-Who-Gives-the-Stars-Away.
He loves you!
He is just a mortal. Just a boy, a moment in time that will soon pass.
His name is Aladdin.
I have known a thousand and one like him. I will know a thousand and one more. He is nothing.
He is everything.
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“You insist you're a monster because you're afraid of being human.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Do not say such things," said the Queen. "We have today and yesterday, and we will seize tomorrow. We will have all the time in the world if we are clever enough to take it.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“This has been the great lesson of my long life: To love is to destroy.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Love is a path lined with roses." I say bitterly. "But it leads to a cliff's edge and all who follow it tumble to their doom. You will not find your happiness there.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
tags: zahra
“But my heart is a treacherous star, refusing to dim when the sun rises”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Find me, my thief.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“A chicken doesn’t fly like other birds, but it is still a bird.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“You’re very pretty,” he murmurs, his voice thick with sleep, “for a jinni.” “Have you met many jinn?” “No.” His lips curl into a dazed grin. “But I’ve met a lot of pretty girls.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“The will of this boy thief flows in golden streams. It is the thread with which I weave, the colors with which I paint, the element with which I create.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“I know plenty of dances. My favorite is called Not Getting Your Legs Broken for Stealing Figs from That Baker on Pearl Lane.” “That’s sure to charm the princess right into a wedding pact.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“Wishes have a way of twisting themselves, and there is nothing more dangerous than getting your heart's desire. The question is, are you willing to gamble? How much are you willing to lose? What are you willing to risk everything for?”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“If it's a monster they want, then a monster they shall have.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“I've been chased, shot, cut, beaten, and dragged a hundred leagues in the blink of an eye. I need a drink.”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish
“And what does he want?” I turn and face the serving girl. “The same thing we all want. He just won’t admit it.” I see longing in her eyes, and also anger, when she looks at Aladdin. “Freedom from the past.” I”
Jessica Khoury, The Forbidden Wish

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