After I Do Quotes

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After I Do After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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After I Do Quotes Showing 1-30 of 222
“Isn’t it nice … once you’ve outgrown the ideas of what life should be and you just enjoy what it is.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Just because you can live without someone doesn’t mean you want to.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“The sun will rise no matter what pain we encounter. No matter how much we believe the world to be over, the sun will rise.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“I know it will be OK because everything is OK in the end. And if it’s not OK, it’s not the end.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Ryan and I are two people who used to be in love.
What a beautiful thing to have been.
What a sad thing to be.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Maybe it doesn’t matter if you need someone during the everyday moments of your life. Maybe what matters is that when you need someone, they are the one you need. Maybe needing someone isn’t about not being able to do it without them. Maybe needing someone is about it being easier if they are by your side.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Why do we do this? Why do we undervalue things when we have them? Why is it only on the verge of losing something that we see how much we need it?”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“We are tied to each other. We can hate and love, miss and loathe each other all within the same breath. We can never want to see each other again while never wanting to let go.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“The sun rises the next day after mothers lose their babies, after men lose their wives, after countries lose wars. The sun will rise no matter what pain we encounter. No matter how much we believe the world to be over, the sun will rise. So you can’t go around assessing love by whether or not the sun rises. The sun doesn’t care about love. It just cares about rising.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Sometimes people do things because they are furious or because they are upset or because they are out for blood. And those things can hurt. But what hurts the most is when someone does something out of apathy. They don't care about you the way they said they did back in college. They don't care about you the way they promised to when you got married. They don't care about you at all.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Make no mistake: I do love you. Just because I don’t feel the love in my heart doesn’t mean I don’t know it’s there. I know it’s there. I’m leaving because I’m going to find it. I promise you that.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“But sometimes you need to go get coffee more than you actually need coffee.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“There is no failing or winning or losing … This is life, Lauren. This is love and marriage. If you stay married for a number of years and you have a happy time together and then you decide you don’t want to be married anymore and you choose to go be happy with somebody else or doing something else, that’s not a failure. That’s just life. That’s just how love is. How is that a failure?”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Your love life should bring you love. If it doesn't, no matter how hard you try, if you are honest and fair and good, and you decide it's over and you need to go find love somewhere else, then...what more can the world ask of you?”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“My heart is truly broken. And I know that even if it mends, it will look different, feel different, beat differently.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Just because you can live without someone doesn't mean you want to.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Change, at least in my life, is more often than not a slow and steady stream. It’s not an avalanche. It’s more of a snowball effect. I probably shouldn’t pontificate about my life using winter metaphors. I’ve only seen real snow three times.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“I've come to realize that resentment is malignant. That it starts small and festers. That it grows wild and unfettered inside of you until it's so expansive that it has worked its way into the furthest, deepest parts of you and holds on for dear life.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“You have that someone. That’s all I’ve been trying to say. Don’t give up on him just because he bores you. Or doesn’t pick up his socks.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“You don’t own Ryan. You brought him into this family, and you asked us to love him. And we do. And you can’t control that.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Here is what I can tell you. All that matters in this life is that you try. All that matters is that you open your heart, give everything you have, and keep trying.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“I know that I can do this without you. I’ve learned that this past year. But I just miss you right now. I just want you near me. You bring out the best in me. And I could use the best of me right now.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Maybe I need the truth more than I need to hear what I want to hear. Maybe there is almost never a time when you don't need the truth. Or maybe it's just that you need the truth the most at times you think you don't want to hear it.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Sometimes you want to forget the fact that you’re alone, and instead, you want to relish the feeling that someone understands you, someone is fighting the same battle that you are. Also, you know, sometimes you just want to feel wanted and desired. Sometimes you want to feel what it feels like with someone new. Sometimes you forget about whether you’re ready to do something, and you just let yourself do it.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“He is next to me but not beside me. We are both in this bed, but we are not sharing it.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Laughing and crying are so intrinsically tied together, spun of the same material, that it's hard to tell one from the other sometimes.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Look at the things we are capable of in the name of the people we love.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Sometimes you should just take the potatoes and say thank you and then throw them in the trash when Mom’s not looking.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“There is no failing or winning or losing, she says. This is life Lauren. This is love and marriage. If you stay married for a number of years and you have a happy time together and then you decide you don't want to be married anymore and you choose to go be happy with someone else or doing something else, that's not failure. That's just life. That's just how love is. How is that failure?”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do
“Big gestures are easy. Making fun of someone who’s just trying to help you, that’s family.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, After I Do

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