Best Kind of Broken Quotes

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Best Kind of Broken (Finding Fate, #1) Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine
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Best Kind of Broken Quotes Showing 1-24 of 24
“Because love isn’t something that needs to be said out loud!” Her face flushes with passion. “It’s something you just know. It’s an unspoken thing. It’s humble and quiet and constant…” She goes back to slaughtering the mushrooms, but lowers her tone a bit. “I mean, you can’t just say you love someone and make it true. That’s not how it works. Real love doesn’t need to be declared or confessed. Real love just… is. You know?”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“And I am yours,” she says quietly. “Even when you don’t want me. I’m still yours.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“You are not my friend, Pixie. You are a piece of my heart and a part of who I want to be.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Winning is an effect of trying. You have to want it badly enough to go through pain, discipline, and failure to find it. To confront it. To claim it. But most of all, you have to fight for it. Everything else—anything else—is absolute surrender”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“You can't sit next to me. You'll ruin my game."

"What game?" she says. "You're a white guy wearing a gold chain. You have no game.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Zack looks at Jenna and slowly pulls off his sunglasses. "Why, hello, beautiful," he says. "I'm Zack." He shows off his dimples. "And you are...?"

"Not going to sleep with you," Jenna quips, grinning right back at him.

His smile widens. "Well played.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“He has me.
He’s always had me.
And I’ve never wanted to be had by anyone else.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“When you bring something back from the brink of death, it fights harder to thrive.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Get away from me, you wicked treat devil."

She laughs. "Wicked treat devil? Wow. You can do better than that."
"Evil dessert demon?"
"Still lame."
"Chocolate temptress of salty death."
"Now you're just reaching.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Ellen walks past the lobby in her high heels, stops in her tracks, and turns back around to face Zack.

She points at Marvin. "Is that a goat?"

Zack nods once. "Yes, ma'am."
"In my lobby?"
"Yes, ma'am. But he's a friendly goat."

Ellen plasters on a polite smile. "I don't care if he's a tap-dancing goat. I want him out of here.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Sexual tension is like a ruthless pigeon. Feed it once and it will follow you around forever. It never tires or goes on vacation. It just lingers.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“I always thought losing my virginity would be a memorable event with fireworks and theme music and maybe a parade afterward. But no.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Love isn't safe and life isn't guaranteed. So yeah, I could die and you could lose Levi and your heart could hurt again, but that's just life. The only alternative is living without fully loving anyone else. And that's not living at all.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“You’re hammered, Jack!” Jenna yells back.
The male voice laughs. “Hammered Jack. Jack hammer. I’m a jackhammer.”
“You’re a jackass,” she shouts”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“This is Marvin," he says. "He eats everything and yells like a distressed baby to get attention. I'm goat-sitting him this summer.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“I'm still angry with him, but I follow him through the drizzle anyway. Because this is Levi. This is my hero. And you always follow your heroes, even when you're mad, even when you'd rather punch them in the mouth. That's how trust works. It's blind and unconditional and it takes you places you can't reach by yourself.

Just like love.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Sup, Andrews?” he says. ’Sup? He’s a white boy in a polo shirt. ’Sup is he’s a poser. I don’t respond.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“They’re stronger, you know.” Paul looks up at me. I shield my eyes in the morning sun. “What’s stronger?” “The plants that you revive,” he says. “When you bring something back from the brink of death, it fights harder to thrive.” Paul leans on his cane again and smiles. “So is the story of life, I guess.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“needs to be said out loud!” Her face flushes with passion. “It’s something you just know. It’s an unspoken thing. It’s humble and quiet and constant…” She goes back to slaughtering the mushrooms, but lowers her”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“But for some reason I feel icky inside, like I should write a letter of explanation and maybe print out a boyfriend permission slip for Levi to sign.

I, Levi Andrews, give my explicit permission for one Pixie Marshall to date whomever she wishes without any feelings that might resemble guilt or betrayal or awkward confusion. Signed, Levi Andrews, platonic third party in all Pixie Marshall-related endeavors and keeper of the east wing hot water.
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“But you can't be afraid to love." She looks at me seriously. "Love isn't safe and life isn't guaranteed. So yeah, I could die and you could lose Levi and your heart could hurt again, but that's just life. The only alternative--Sarah, look at me--the only alternative is living without fully loving anyone else. And that's not living at all.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“It's the damnedest thing, a dying plant, and it makes a man want to give up. But that's the beauty of gardening, son. You can revive the things that wither.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Sure you do. Love doesn't just stop, Pixie. It's always there.”
Chelsea Fine, Best Kind of Broken
“Because love isn't something that needs to be said out loud! It's something you just know. It's an unspoken thing. It's humble and quiet and..constant.
I mean, you can't just say you love someone and make it true. That's not how it works. Real love doesn't need to be declared or confessed. Real love”
Chelsea fine, Best Kind of Broken