Time Untime Quotes

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Time Untime (Dark-Hunter, #21) Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Time Untime Quotes Showing 1-30 of 45
“Life is messy, Ren. It's not easy and it's definitely not for the timid. Everyone has a past. Things that stab them right between the eyes. Old grudges. Old shame. Regrets that steal your sleep and leave you awake until you fear for your own sanity. Betrayals that make your soul scream so loud you wonder why no one else hears it. In the end, we are all alone in that private hell. But life isn't about learning to forgive those who have hurt you or forgetting the past. It's about learning to forgive yourself for being human and making mistakes. Yes, people disappoint us all the time. But the harshest lessons come when we disappoint ourselves. When we put our trust and our hearts into the hands of the wrong person and they do us wrong. And while we may hate them for what they did, the one we hate most is ourself for allowing them into our private circle. How could I have been so stupid? How could I let them deceive me? We all go through that. It's humanity's brotherhood of misery.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“But life isn’t about learning to forgive those who have hurt you or forgetting your past. It’s about learning to forgive yourself for being human and making mistakes.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“If we're lucky, we find the one person who will hold our trust and keep it sacred and safe against all attackers. That one soul who will restore our belief that people are decent and kind, and that life, while messy, is still the most wondrous gift anyone can know. But until that day comes, we have to try and remember that home isn't a specific place or person. It's a feeling we carry inside ourselves. That touch of the divine that lights a fire inside us that burns out the past and consumes the pain until nothing is left but a warmth that allows us to love others more than ourselves. A warmth that only grows when we do right even while others seek to do us wrong. Peace is knowing that one life, no matter how trivial it seems, touches thousands of others, and learningto respect that about all people. While you may not mean much to the world, to those who know and love you, you are their entire world. And it is knowledge that no one can hurt you unless you allow them to. The only power they have isn't something they're taken or demanded. It's what we give them by choice. And while it is imperative that we value the lives of others, it is equally important to value our own.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“We can't change what we've done, but we can always change what we're going to do.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Ren frowned as he surveyed the madness they were knee-deep in. “Why are you under such heavy fire?”
Nick gave him a droll stare. “Oh, I don’t know. But we’re really enjoying it. Fear has such a wonderfully romantic scent to it that they ought to turn it into cologne and deodorant. Eau de Ew. Let’s all just take a minute, and bask in it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“In spite of rumourd, I haven't completely gone to the darkside yet. But damn, those cookies are good." Come to the dark side. We have cookies.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Love isn’t an obligation. You don’t owe someone your loyalty and you damn well don’t owe them your heart. It’s an emotion, and it’s born from mutual respect and generosity. It is not cruel and it is not judging. It comes from a willingness to live in complete and utter misery for the benefit of another. But when it’s real, you don’t feel that misery at all. The thought of their face, the scent of their skin brings a light to that darkness so bright that it drives out everything else.”
- Ren Waya”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Life is messy, Ren. It's not easy and it's definitely not for the timid. Everyone has a past.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Most men die many times in their lives. The man we become invariably slaughters the child we once were. His knowledge of the world murders the babe's innocence.

from Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“One day, a young boy went up to his grandfather, who was an old Cherokee chief. ‘Edudi?’ the boy asked. ‘Why are you so sad?’ The old chief bit his lip and rubbed his belly as if his stomach pained him unmercifully. ‘There is a terrible fight inside me, Uhgeeleesee’, the chief said sternly. ‘One that will not let me sleep of give me peace’. ‘A fight Grandfather? I don’t understand. What kind of fight is inside you?’ The old chief knelt in front of the boy to explain. ‘Deep inside my heart, I have two wolves. Each strong enough to devour the other, they are locked in constant war. One is evil through and through. He is revenge, sorrow, regret, rage, greed, arrogance, stupidity, superiority, envy, guilt, lies, ego, false pride, inferiority, self-doubt, suspicion and resentment. The other wolf is everything kind. He is made of peace, blissful tranquillity, wisdom, love and joy, hope and humility, compassion, benevolence, generosity, truth, faith and empathy. They circle each other inside my heart and they fight one another at all times. Day and night. There is no letup. Not even while I slumber’. The boy’s yes widened as he sucked his breath in sharply. ‘How horrible for you’. His grandfather shook his head at these words and tapped the boy’s chest right where his own heart was located. ‘It’s not just horrible for me. This same fight is also going on inside you and every single person who walks this earth with us’. Those words terrified the little boy. ‘So tell me Grandfather, which of the wolves will win this fight?’ The old chief smiled at his grandson and he cupped his young cheek before he answered with one simple truth. ‘Always the one we feed’.

Be careful what you feed, child. For the beast will follow you home and live with you until you either make a bed for it to stay, or find the temerity to drive it out.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon , Time Untime
“Come to the dark side. We have cookies.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
tags: humor
“Todo el mundo tiene un pasado. Cosas que te apuñalan justo entre los ojos. Viejos rencores. Antiguas vergüenzas. Remordimientos que te roban el sueño y te mantienen despierto hasta que temes por tu propia cordura. Traiciones que hacen que tu alma grite tan fuerte que te preguntas porque nadie más lo oye. Al final, estamos absolutamente solos en ese infierno privado. Pero la vida no se trata de aprender a perdonar a los que te han herido u olvidar tu pasado. Trata sobre perdonarte a ti mismo por ser humano y cometer errores. Sí, las personas nos decepcionan todo el tiempo. Pero las lecciones más duras vienen cuando nos decepcionamos a nosotros mismo.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“The man speaks Southern football, now shut up.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“He was an Atlantean...older than dirt and dirt's great-grandfather.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“I don't do vague. If I want to call you a coward, I will bock at you in no uncertain terms. Chicken shit."
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“You’re not going to bite me with your fangs, are you?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Ren...Did you know that Winston Churchill, the greatest orator of all time and one of the greatest leaders in the world, had a speech impediment? All of us botch our words from time to time. And honestly I'd much rather stammer than put my foot in my mouth, and I've done more than my fair share of that. You have no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed for a biological misfire you can't help. It's not an indictment on your intelligence, but it is on the the humanity and decency of anyone cruel enough to mock you for it.”
sherrilyn kenyon, Time Untime
“But hatred and rage solve nothing. Like a might fire, they quickly consume whatever is fed them.Yet it can't last. Soon enough, they devour all around them and burn out, leaving nothing but a hollowed shell no longer capable of feeling anything at all. (First Guardian)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Deep inside your heart there are two wolves. Each strong enough to devour the other, they are in constant war. One is evil through and through. He is revenge, rage, greed, arrogance, stupidity, superiority, envy, guilt, lies, ego, false-pride, inferiority, self-doubt, suspicion, and resentment. The other wolf is everything kind. He is made of peace, blissful tranquility, wisdom, love and joy, hope and humility, compassion, benevolence, generosity, truth, faith, and empathy. They circle each other inside your heart and they fight one another at all times. Day and night. There is no letup. Not even while you sleep. Be careful which wolf you feed. For that beast will follow you home and live with you until you either make a bed for it to stay, or find the temerity to drive it out.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“I don't do vague. If I want to call you a coward, I will bock at you in no uncertain terms.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Of course, it would help if the manwould keep his shirt on whenever he came into her unconscious mind. What kind of person didn't have the decency to keep himself clothed while barging into her dreams.
a little modesty went a long way.
Yeah, but clothes on a body so fine was its own form of obscenity.
shh, mind, have some decency yourself.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Su rabia y pérdida, la entiendo perfectamente, y no la culpo en lo más mínimo. No hay peor sensación que tener todo tu mundo destrozado y que no haya nada que puedas hacer para detenerlo. Sentirte en completa y absoluta miseria, y mirar alrededor y ver un mundo que en realidad no da una mierda por ti... eso te golpea a un nivel que agradezco a los dioses no puedas entender o imaginar. Porque nadie debería conocer ese tipo de infierno. Estás perdido en el dolor, gritando a pleno pulmón pidiendo ayuda y nadie te escucha. A nadie le importa. Ellos siguen con sus putrefactas vidas, ajenos a tu agonía. Y cuando llega el momento en que te das cuenta de lo solo que estás... de lo poco que les importas a otras personas, pierdes todo el funcionamiento cognitivo. Te conviertes en un animal rabioso. Todo lo que importa entonces es que les hagas comprender tu dolor. Sacarlos de su ciega autocomplacencia para que compartan ese infierno tuyo. En ese momento, quieres sentir su sangre en las manos. Saborearla en tus labios. Bañarte en ella hasta estar borracho y tener la piel arrugada. Ese es el lugar de locura que vive profundamente dentro de todos. La mayoría de la gente puede tocarlo una, quizás dos veces en su vida, pero jamás llegan a traspasarlo.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“Okay, no more jokes about ladybugs making you their bitch.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“We all make mistakes. It’s part of growing. The trick isn’t to be perfect. It’s to find a place of solace in the mind so that it doesn’t cane you for trusting the wrong person or following after the wrong dream. All of us fall victim to harmful guile at some point.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“The Wolf is never tamed through violence. But rather with a kind, gentle, and above all, patient hand. The most ferocious of beasts see enemies everywhere. They have to in order to live. All they know is how to be attacked and how to fight. They expect treachery from all.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
tags: me, wolf
“Ain't real big on fear. I tried it once, and well… didn't like the taste of it. Burped it up for days afterwards and have no intention of doing that again. "

-Jess 'Sundown”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“There is this place of insanity that lives deep inside everyone.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“For some people the past is so vicious that it creates a loop of bad memories that runs constantly inside their hearts. A loop so bad that sometimes it reaches out to those capable of seeing it to let us know to take extra care of the ones who were hurt. It tells us to let them know that just because the world is eat up with mean, it doesn't mean we all are. That even though the past hurt them, it doesn't have to destroy their future. Give as many smiles away as you can. They're free and make the world a much prettier place. You may not have the best clothes or the latest in shoes, but everyone has a unique designer smile that is worth millions, especially for those who need its warmth.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“we all have more than our share of pains and sorrow. Embarrassments and things that haunt us. From that, no one is ever immune, no matter how good or perfect a life you think they live. Shame and hurt spare no one.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime
“that the most honorable thing in life is not to live it selfishly, but to take risks for those we love.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Time Untime

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