Fade Quotes

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Fade (In the Company of Shadows, #4) Fade by Ais
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Fade Quotes Showing 1-29 of 29
“I love you, Hsin," he said hoarsely. "I missed you so much."
"I love you, too." Sin's voice was still thick and husky. "I came back for you. Because I wanted to find you, because I wanted to remember you.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“We're never separating again. Fucking never”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“We'll find him." Carhart said firmly.
"How do you know? How can you be so sure?"
"Because you and he are like my wayward fucking children and I refuse to lose one now that I finally got the other back”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Why did he always have to be the one left behind? Why did he always have to be the one to gather the broken pieces and glue them back together, a mockery of what he'd once been? Why did he always have to suffer through the loss—that gaping, wrenching loss that sucked him up, ripped him apart, and carelessly threw him aside?”
Ais, Fade
“In that moment, he wanted Sin for Sin—for the quiet of his breath and the unspoken words in his eyes. It was little of physical attraction and everything of emotional. He wanted to just hold Sin without the body needing to be involved other than strong arms and a comforting heartbeat. The reminder of the peace that was so long gone now it felt a lifetime had passed.”
Ais, Fade
“You and he are so protective of each other that you blame yourselves as soon as something happens with the other”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“I'm a motherfucking lothario of humans and robots alike.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
tags: fade, icos
“Being with him makes me feel different.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“He'd been too late for Sin. He'd been too weak for Lou. He'd been too young for his dad. They'd all lived and loved and fallen, one by one, leaving deeper imprints on his soul each time. He couldn't change their deaths nor could he change that Sin was now in the same category as Lou and his father. People who he would have done anything for, lost to him in situations where that 'anything' had not been enough.”
Ais, Fade
tags: boyd, fade, icos
“It's loud and annoying and sounds ridiculous, anyway."
"Build a bridge."
"Get over it.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“You speak of yourself and others who were in your same position as objects."
Boyd's eyebrows ticked up. "Isn't that what I am? I was merchandise there but now I'm back to being a tool. It's nothing but semantics.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Do you want to fuck off, or do you need a written invitation?”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Too bad in the Agency’s eyes a person was only truly the hero when they were the villain.”
Ais, Fade
“All those months Boyd had thought only of Sin. All those times he'd leaned on Sin's memory for strength and conviction. All those nights he'd woken in pain and forced himself to keep going because it was what Sin would have wanted...
It hurt to know it may mean nothing.”
Ais, Fade
tags: boyd, fade, icos
“Are you sure you aren’t a porn star?"
Emilio licked his lips and reached up to wipe a damp spot from his cheek.
“Nah. Just a slut.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“It's because the truth is important. Never let anyone tell you differently, Boyd. Even if it hurts to say, even if it's painful to hear, even if you wish you could run the other way—it's important. It separates the people with integrity from the deceivers. It's what makes a person trustworthy. Somebody to believe in”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Because in my experience, people who seem especially enamored of my appearance also want something out of me I don't want to give”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Never fuck someone you work with.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Listen to me, you little idiot," Sin hissed, leaning forward until his nose nearly touched hers. "You and your friends nearly got me killed, and someone else is in danger because of you oblivious, drug addicted morons bringing us to the attention of a bunch of fanatic psychopaths. So tell me what you know or I will rip your fucking jugular open with my teeth."
"There's my boy," Emilio said proudly, grinning.
"Shut the fuck up," Sin didn't even look at the other man.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Agents were trained liars. They were taught how to manipulate people in order to get what they wanted. Subterfuge was like second nature to them. Throw that in with the fact that they were all basically trying to live for the moment because the next could be the last and the fact that valentine or not, sex could always be a part of the job and he didn't know how anyone did it”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“On the one hand, I have a neighbor who I'm fairly certain thinks I'm the devil, but on the other hand most of my gay or bi friends have never run into issues in the city."
Then again, most of his gay or bi friends could kill anyone who looked at them the wrong way. But he didn't say that aloud.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“You're so fucking inappropriate. Even with technology.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“He was going to have to figure out how to deal with this on his own eventually. Relying on anyone else too heavily was just going to make it worse. In the end, support was only fleeting.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“I think a lot of it is personality. I never felt like I had to be anyone for him (Kassian), or prove anything. He didn't care what I did or thought. It made it easier to relax."
"And you felt like you had to be someone for me?" Sin asked with an arched brow. "I liked you before you had a personality.”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“Emilio quit making exaggerated leering faces at Boyd and opened the door. "Hey sexy," he drawled, grabbing Owen's shirt and hauling him into the apartment. "Boyd is here, so I'll have to teach you about dick sucking another time. Actually, I dunno, maybe he wants to watch."

Owen looked startled while Boyd rolled his eyes.

"I could probably teach you pointers on that one," Boyd drawled to Emilio. "I don't need to watch anything."

Emilio shoved Owen in another step and kicked his door closed as he released what had once been his typical loud, charismatic laugh. "Believe me, baby, I sure as fuck know that," he said with a wink. "But I was talking about pointers for Owen here. I'm no joke at the trade myself."

"Whoa, whoa," Owen said, lifting his hands. "Information to place in the 'deleted' folder and recycled, man. Give a guy some notice." Even so, he didn't seem too bothered by the topic as he immediately perked up when he saw the coffee table. "Oh! Score, is that food? Well, obviously it is. Hey, can I have some?" He was already walking over as he asked.

"Unless Sir Sucks A Lot is sharing his shit, you better back off mine or I'll shoot you in the face," Emilio said as he flipped the locks to his door. "And why the fuck are you here, anyways?”
Ais, Fade
“That's because you are nobody, he reminded himself harshly. You're nothing to him. If you disappeared today, he'd probably never even remember you were here. You'd be forgotten again in seconds, as if you never existed”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“he thought about the future. He thought about where he was now and where he would have to be tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. He thought about coping and moving on”
Santino Hassell, Fade
“What's the point of surviving if the people I love are taken from me? What's the point in protecting myself if I have to pretend that I don't want to protect them? That I don't care about them? I can't anymore. I can't. I can't goddamn pretend. Not for them. I won't pretend I don't love Sin, and Boyd, and Ryan. And I'm tired of pretending that I don't love you because this place has warped both of us so badly.”
Ais, Fade
“The end goal was Boyd, and everyone else could go to hell if they weren't going to help him get to that goal.”
Ais, Fade