Glow of the Everflame Quotes

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Glow of the Everflame (Kindred's Curse, #2) Glow of the Everflame by Penn Cole
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Glow of the Everflame Quotes Showing 1-30 of 160
“That if a man made you doubt whether his love for you would survive anything, he does not deserve you.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Burn, my Queen. Glow so bright, the darkness trembles.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“His thumb raked across my lower lip. “I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin. I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name.” His hands slid to my hips and tugged me closer. “Yes, Diem, I want to serve you—in every way a man can.” I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“For every spark that has lost its light and needs a little help remembering how to glow.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“If a kiss is the reward, my Queen, I’ll get on my knees for you whenever you want.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“I am yours, Luther Corbois. Scars and all.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“It’s a reminder that no challenge can destroy the parts of us that truly matter. We’re not reborn in the flames. We’re revealed.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“I want to burn alive in that fire in your eyes. I want it to melt me down and forge me into the weapon you need me to be. I want to stand by your side for the rest of my life, and I don’t need you to marry me and make me a fucking king to do it.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“You are my Queen, and I am your sword. Point me at your enemies, and watch them fall. Lead this world, Diem, and I will follow you—into war, into death, into the tundra of hell itself.” He took my palm and set it against his chest, just above the patch of unscarred skin that lay beneath his jacket. “You are the fate my heart was spared for. As long as it beats, you will never fight alone.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“You are fearless. You are strong. You do not cower in the faces of gods nor kings. You are fated for greater battles than this, so you do whatever it takes, and you fight like hell.” “I will,” I vowed. “Remember who you are, Diem Bellator.” He clasped the medallion at my neck. “But remember you are a phoenix, too. We do not fear the flames, for the hotter we burn, the higher we fly.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Don’t worry about it, Queenie. We’ve got your back.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Perhaps, for the right person, we endure the pain, because the torture of never having them at all is the more unbearable fate.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“I was drowning in this man. From the moment I met him, I had been kicking against the current and holding my breath, struggling to get back to the safe, familiar surface—but every look, every touch, dragged me deeper still. I felt the burning of it in my lungs, as real and visceral as if I were plunging into the Sacred Sea itself. And maybe it made me weak, or a traitor, or a fool, but gods did I want to close my eyes and sink forever.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“He traced the edge of my jaw. “Forgive me. They all need to see it.” “See what?” I rasped, barely able to speak. “Who will come for them if they dare to come for you.” Then his lips were on mine.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“You make so many promises, but the only thing I ever really wanted was honesty. And it’s the one thing you still refuse to give.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“I would have walked into the flaming heart of the sun itself,” he shot back. “If you are suffering, nothing will keep me from coming to your aid. Least of all something as trivial as death.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“For every spark that has lost its light”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Everyone says this phoenix represents dying and coming back as something new, but I disagree. I think it’s a symbol of surviving when the world burns down around us. It’s a reminder that no challenge can destroy the parts of us that truly matter. We’re not reborn in the flames. We’re revealed.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Embrace your phoenix. Rise from the ashes, and burn bright once more.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Strange, how armor could be both a shield and a cage, keeping the arrows out while trapping the monster in.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“completely. I only needed to suffer long enough to complete the Rite of Coronation. The destruction of the heartstone, and the Descended monarchies along with it, could wait for another day.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“It’s a fight to the death, D.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Eleanor shot a nervous glance at Taran, her voice hushing. “When his sons were young, they would often show up at school with lashes or burns. Very often. Rumor is the King spoke with Garath and made it stop, although...” She chewed on her lip. “That was when their healing abilities began, so no one knew for sure.” I eyed Aemonn and Taran. Both were staring anywhere but their father, looking miserable and exposed.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“And I have failed. Completely, irreversibly failed. I don’t just want a piece of you—I want them all.” His thumb raked across my lower lip. “I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin. I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name.” His hands slid to my hips and tugged me closer. “Yes, Diem, I want to serve you—in every way a man can.” I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. “I want to burn alive in that fire in your eyes. I want it to melt me down and forge me into the weapon you need me to be. I want to stand by your side for the rest of my life, and I don’t need you to marry me and make me a fucking king to do it.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“With respect, my Queen—” He returned my narrowed eyes and leaned his face to mine. “—your survival instincts are shit.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Finally, they had their pound of flesh, and they celebrated it with delight. The sound of it ignited my fury. I had tried to show mercy. I had offered them peace, something beautiful and human, a chance at a better world, and they had turned up their noses. Fine. If I could not persuade them with peace, then I would do it with fear.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“Your mother has been manipulating us all with her secrets for too long. She has much to answer for, and I’m done protecting her.” He snarled and turned to the front of the boat, staring forward with narrowed eyes. “The moment you’re coronated, we’re going to get her.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“He doesn’t speak,” the Sophos Crown interjected. “At least not to anyone outside his realm. And he lives on the side of a mountain, so I doubt he needs your assistance with a single flight of stairs.” I ignored them and remained at the man’s side. He seemed so frail, a strong wind might carry him away. I had a sneaking suspicion that he normally relied on his magic to ease his mobility, but his pride would not permit him to let any weakness show in front of the other Crowns.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame
“But you came to the lodge that night to kill me,” I protested. “No—I came to swear fealty to you. I had my sword out to offer it in your service. Then I saw you standing there half-naked and spitting fire, the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and I became...” He smiled guiltily. “...distracted.”
Penn Cole, Glow of the Everflame

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