Zombie Spaceship Wasteland Quotes

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Zombie Spaceship Wasteland Zombie Spaceship Wasteland by Patton Oswalt
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Zombie Spaceship Wasteland Quotes Showing 1-23 of 23
“If the victories we create in our heads were let loose on reality, the world we know would drown in blazing happiness.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Zombies can't believe the energy we waste on nonfood pursuits.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“People will find transformation and transcendence in a McDonald's hash brown if it's all they've got.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I want to experience as many different tastes, sights, emotions, conflicts, and cultures as possible, so that I can expand the canvas of my memory and enrich my comedy.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Cheap liquor is a magic potion that can turn you into a puppet cowboy before it kills you.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Its gaze unlocked a room in my nightmares which should have remained closed.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
tags: humor
“Anything's better than Gen X which is what we got. Thanks Douglas Coupland. We sound like a team of mutant vigalantees with frosted hair and chain wallets. Actually that's not completely horrible.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Roddy the assistant manager lived in the theater. He'd emptied out one of the supply closets. He'd installed an inflatable mattress, a Shower Anywhere portable shower, and a wee television. He slept amid the powdered-butter fumes and empty drink-syrup tanks. He had grub-white skin and Goth circles under his eyes that, unlike those of Goths, came from really, truly existing half in the world of the dead. He smelled like carpeting, Scotch tape, and steak sauce. He was almost forty but had one of those half mustaches that thirteen-year-olds have. He was the closest thing to a zombie I've yet encountered in this world.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“hobos' (a slang term that combines the words 'hope' and 'bowl of beans given to me for free by a woman who then initiated intercourse')”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I visited Surrey in the early fall of 1994, and I would return only if I was tasked to kill a demon to save the world. Maybe not even then. Sorry, Surrey. Sorry, world. Yay, hypothetical demon.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I'm sitting at the bar, rearranging the order of my jokes. I'm under the delusion that I'm having bad shows because of some cosmic misalignment of words, phrases, and ideas. I may as well have cast runes into a spirit bowl, hoping that the collective heart of the audience would open to my necromantic call. Maybe that's how jugglers do it. Those guys never have shitty sets.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“During the "first Thanksgiving" at Plymouth, Wampanoag Indians - including a Patuxet Indian named Squanto - helped teach Pilgrims how to farm, fish, and hunt and shared the bounty of that first feast. A TRADITION THAT CONTINUES TODAY AND JESUS AND 9/11.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Every zombie story is fundamentally about a breakdown of order, with the infrastructure intact. That infrastructure might be on fire, yes.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I had to go back and reread the page a few times. As I read it, I kept drifting out of the book, out of the booth, and coasting on the green crest of the song, to the momentary idea that any point on Earth was mine for the visiting, that I'd lucked out living in the reality I was in. And I also got the feeling I was souring and damaging that luck by enjoying the contentment of pulling the shades on the sun, and shutting out my fellow employees and the world, and folding myself up in the construct of a brilliant novel like The Man in the High Castle, that all the reading I'd been doing up to this point hadn't enhanced my life, but rather had replaced and delayed it.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“And I couldn't take my eyes off Pete. He ate dinner like he always did, in three or four huge, whoofing bites, before heading back out front to his cone of warmth, his coffee, his cigarettes, and ghostly tunes piping from his little transistor radio. And most important, to whatever thoughts drowned out the voices of his own family saying "hello" and "happy holidays."

I watched him because I couldn't believe that could be anyone's comfortable horizon. A tiny porch on a dark corner near a highway. We lucked out living on a planet made thrilling by billions of years of chance, catastrophe, miracles, and disaster, and he'd rejected it. You're offered the world every morning when you open your eyes. I was beginning to see Pete as a representative of all the people who shut that out, through cynicism, religion, fear, greed, or ritual.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I don't care how high my shrink increases my Lexapro dosage - I WANT TO BE A ROBOT THAT HELPS WOLVES HAVE SEX. Otherwise my parents threw away the money they spent on my college education.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I suspected, around the time I graduated college, that we're all versions of targets, fired at by indifferent events. If that was the case, then I wanted to be a moving target.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Eight people show up. The emcee is warm, friendly, and about as funny as Shoah. I take the stage to the sound of, my hand to God, one person clapping once and only once, and then I start into my act.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“Comedy and terror and autobiography and comics and literature-they're all the same thing. To me.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“He smelled like carpeting, Scotch tape, and steak sauce.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“If someone like this were to like me, to like my comedy, and to like the way I conduct myself professionally, it would mean that I suck as a person.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“I'm near tears at this moment. But I also get an unexpected burst of courage, and here's what it feels like:
I don't care anymore if this guy hates me or badmouths me to other club owners. Because now - and I've never felt this before - I actively want him to hate me. It becomes imperative, for my self-worth, that and asshole like Reed actively loathe me. If someone like this were to like me, to like my comedy, and to like the way I conduct myself professionally, it would mean I suck as a person.
I've encountered this a few times since then. Not very often. But there are those rare occasions - and they're bracing, freeing sensations when they occur - when you absolutely crave someone's disapproval and disgust. You can see it actually helping your career, your social relations, and your life if it becomes known that this person thinks you're shit.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
“And then it was gone. I tried to make it come back ... I replayed the song. I reread the passage. Nothing. You can't stage an epiphany.”
Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland