2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,233,801
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Michael has read 158 of 100 books in 2020.
  • Star Wars, Vol. 6 by Jason Aaron
  • Star Wars, Vol. 7 by Kieron Gillen
  • The Hunted by Gabriel Bergmoser
  • Invitation to Death by Bryan Smith
  • The Darkest Lullaby by Jonathan Janz
  • Secret Santa by Andrew Shaffer
  • Latinx Screams by V. Castro
  • Nemesai by John Urbancik
  • Wormwood by Chad Lutzke
  • Dark Nights by Scott Snyder
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message 1: by Meenaz (new)

Meenaz Lodhi Happy and inspiring new year and happy reading, Michael! ❤️

message 2: by Michael (new)

Michael Hicks Meenaz wrote: "Happy and inspiring new year and happy reading, Michael! ❤️"

Thank you, Meenaz! Happy New Year! I wish you many good books in 2020. :D

message 3: by Meenaz (new)

Meenaz Lodhi Thank you!

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