Mia Bellera

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Book cover for Women Don't Owe You Pretty
comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there”
Sari Solden
“Ultimately what I’m talking about is living with controlled disorder, not trying to get rid of it or waiting to get over it. It is not done in a day, and it is not done with medication alone (although it is usually not done without it). You need to ask yourself, “How can I make my life work? How can I make my relationships work? How can I make my career meaningful?” If it means doing things a bit differently than other people, then be different; it takes courage to break through the barriers of shame and guilt to ask for support. If it means breaking the mold, then break it; it takes courage to accept that you can’t do what other people can do. If it means challenging the “way it’s always been,” then challenge it; it takes courage to celebrate that you can often do what other people can’t.”
Sari Solden, MS, Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life

Sari Solden
“Many women report just being awake and alert all day as a huge improvement in this area. They feel a tremendous difference in their ability to counteract “ the paralysis of will ” that leaves many bright women sitting for hours, remote in hand, aimlessly changing channels with a million intentions and good thoughts trapped inside their head not being translated to action.”
Sari Solden, MS, Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life

Sari Solden
“Women with AD/HD often feel that despite years of trying to keep their heads above water that they are sinking deeper and deeper and are feeling more trapped and helpless. Many women with undiagnosed AD/HD are unable to explain or have anyone else help them understand their experience. It may be incomprehensible for others to believe that a seemingly successful woman, or a woman who has never been hyperactive, may have AD/HD. Instead, she may be written off as having typical “female emotional problems” or serious psychological disturbances. The greater her outward signs of success, the more baffling it is to those around her. And if she has been visibly struggling, it just reconfirms other people’s opinions that she is indeed weak, incompetent, or helpless.”
Sari Solden, MS, Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life

Sari Solden
“Women with AD/HD often move away from relationships in the initial stages of forming friendships because of their difficulty in making small talk or difficulty with finding the words that they want to say when they want to say them. Sometimes it is as difficult to find the words in your messy mind as it is to find a paper on your messy desk. Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo (1995, pg. 66) call this a “reaction time irregularity” They go on to point out that a person with this difficulty might look rude or disinterested when they actually may be having “trouble retrieving things from memory in a demand situation”.”
Sari Solden, MS, Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life

Sari Solden
“They also say that we may have difficulties taking the time to making deep connections, even if we talk to a lot of people in a social setting. They advise—just concentrate on making a few close friends instead of worrying about creating a large social network. They also encourage us by saying that many of these quirks that seemed weird as children now often work for adults who are seen as interesting or special. They point out that adults with ADD often have creativity, special talent, humor, or zest for life that can be a social magnet!”
Sari Solden, MS, Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life

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