Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2009! > Emily J.'s 50 books for 2009

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message 1: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Oooh - I'm excited for this. I'm *pretty* sure I read 50 last year, but didn't keep good enough track. We shall see for this year!

Just finished The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. Loved it!

message 2: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Read the second one - The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan.

Also read Tribes We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin, which I did not like as much.

message 3: by Alycia (new)

Alycia (alyciac) Awesome timing for reading the Wheel of Time - I understand the last book is due out sometime this year.

message 4: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Just finished Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind. Apparently I am fantasy-heavy so far this year. That's fine with me. :)

message 5: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Just read Queen of the Darkness Book 3 of the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. Also read Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey.

In some non-fantasy news, I also read Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison.

Total so far = 7 books.

message 6: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Just finished Gilead A Novel by Marilynne Robinson. Thought it was really beautiful.

message 7: by Lisa (new)

Lisa I'm reading "Gilead" right now and find it beautifully written. I keep it to read when I'm waiting for kids so that I only read a few pages at a time and I'm liking it that way. Doing it that way makes it feel like a series of short stories that are all lovely and insightful.

message 8: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Lisa, I agree with you. I believe that Gilead, while it could not be described as "gripping", was definitely beautifully written and a compelling tale. It inspired many rambling discussions regarding the meaning of family and religion and secrets and love and parenthood. All in all a great book.

message 9: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Lately I've read the following:

Katherine by Anya Seton
Mistborn The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

So, I'm officially at 10 books. If I keep reading at this pace, I should be fine.

message 10: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) I finished Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay. It was my first GGK book, and I definitely enjoyed it.

message 11: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) Just finished The Crown Conspiracy by Michael J. Sullivan. It was my first Goodreads' author book and I definitely enjoyed it. Will be looking for the rest of the series.

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