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message 1: by Jeanette (last edited Nov 11, 2011 06:26AM) (new)

Jeanette Hornby (goodreadscomuser_jeanettehornby) | 16 comments Thought we could get to know a little about each other. Feel free to share anything you like. I'll start.

Name: Jeanette Hornby

Place: Western Australia

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: Where The Heart Is

Reading: Reflections By Don Alexander

Favourite Book: Cloudstreet by Tim Winton



message 2: by Bridget (new)

Bridget Bowers (bridgetbowers) | 12 comments Hi all!

Name: Bridget Bowers
Place: Northern California
Reader/Writer: Both
Latest Release: The Path of Light (Chronicles of Vlandamyuir)
Guilty pleasure/almost ashamed to admit I'm hopelessly addicted: Twilight Saga and Survivor
Favorite Book: The Stand by Stephen King

Facebook book page:

message 3: by Chris (new)

Chris Eboch (chriseboch) Name: Chris Eboch, writing romantic suspense as Kris Bock
Place: New Mexico
Reader/Writer: Both
Latest Release: Rattled, with Whispers in the Dark due out in a few weeks
Guilty pleasure: Romance novels (yes, I'm writing romantic suspense, but most of my friends are scientists and computer geeks who look down on romance so I'm more likely to say I'm reading a "historical novel" or a "suspense.")
Favorite Book: Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

Facebook book page:
Twitter: @Kris_Bock
webpage: www.krisbock.com (romantic suspense)
www.chriseboch.com (children's books)
http://chriseboch.blogspot.com/ (blog on the craft of writing)

Kris Bock

message 4: by Kat (new)

Kat (katzombie) Great idea Jeanette!

Name: Kat Balcombe

Place: Netherlands

Reader/Writer: Reader & reviewer

Guilty Pleasure: Zombie books! Although I'm not exactly secretive about it!

Favourite Book: Zombie - Zombie Fallout, non-Zombie The Bronze Horseman

Currently reading: Pure and Kings of the Dead

Twitter: @katlb82
Blog: http://theaussiezombie.blogspot.com/

message 5: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Hornby (goodreadscomuser_jeanettehornby) | 16 comments Hi all, nice to meet you.
Chris, I 'liked' you on FB. Will come and visit everyone's blogs too :)

message 6: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 28, 2011 09:44AM) (new)

Jeanette, What a good idea. I'm an Aussie too, but I live in the UK.

Born in the outback. Grew up in Melbourne.

Favourite Book. The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCulloch.

Reader and Writer.

Books I've written. Eumeralla - Secrets, Tragedy and Love by Joanna Stephen-Ward Vissi d'arte by Joanna Stephen-Ward The Doll Collection by Joanna Stephen-Ward

message 7: by C.S. Splitter (new)

C.S. Splitter | 46 comments Name: C.S. Splitter

Place: North of Washington, DC

Reader/Writer: Reader & Writer

Later Release: The Willing

Guilty Pleasure: Fantasy. I have had the same favorite genre since I was 9 years old.

Favorite Book: The one I remember most fondly was Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings.

Currently reading: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

Twitter: @SplitterCS
Blog: http://splittersworld.blogspot.com


message 8: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Hornby (goodreadscomuser_jeanettehornby) | 16 comments You guys have great informative blogs and my 'to read' list is growing. Have a great day everyone.

message 9: by Suki (last edited Dec 02, 2011 04:14AM) (new)

Suki Michelle (sukimichelle) Name: Suki Michelle

Place: Chicago, Illinois

Reader or Writer: Both

Guilty pleasure: Peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwiches on pasty no-nutrition white bread.

Latest Release: The Apocalypse Gene

Reading: The Name of the Wind

Favourite Book: The Book of the Dun Cow

Goodreads: Suki Michelle

Suki Michelle FB Profile

The Apocalypse Gene Fan Page

Thanks for starting this thread!!

message 10: by Tricia (last edited Apr 25, 2012 05:09AM) (new)

Tricia Kristufek | 15 comments Name: Tricia Kristufek

Place: Pittsburgh, PA

Reader/Writer: Reader (& Aspiring Writer)

Latest Release: Christmas Lites (Also the editor of The Willing)

Guilty Pleasure: Anything set in the Medieval Times.

Favorite Book: Too hard to pick just one.

Currently reading: Masquerade
Let Me In

Twitter: @TriciaKristufek
Blog: http://triciakristufek.wordpress.com
Tricia's Page
Fan Page

message 11: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Hornby (goodreadscomuser_jeanettehornby) | 16 comments Welcome newbies. I've liked your fan pages :)

message 12: by Jamie (new)

Jamie (jamiesigal) Name: Jamie Sigal

Place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.

Reader Or Writer: Both

Latest Release: Full body... Oh. I mean, still pending.

Reading: Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov

Favorite Book: Impossible to answer, but if you're going to hate me for not even trying, today I'll say Noble House by James Clavell. Ask me again tomorrow and I'll probably say Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins. Ask me the next day and I'll say Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Ask me the day after that and I'll tell you that you ask too many questions.

http://jammasterjamie.wordpress.com - My rare and random blog.

Nice to meet you all.

message 13: by Leila (new)

Leila McGrath (leilamcgrath) I'm Leila McGrath, out of Long Island, NY. I write NYC-based historical fiction and am currently into reading Newbery winners. My blog is federalgirl.blogspot.com, with yesterday's post entitled "The Non-Couch Potato", about getting up and giving on the holidays.

message 14: by Gabriel (new)

Gabriel Gadfly (gabrielgadfly) My name is Gabriel Gadfly. I'm 26, from Birmingham, AL. I'm a poet, primarily, although I dabble in prose from time to time.

Since 2009, I've been publishing my poetry on my website, http://gabrielgadfly.com. I try to publish a new poem every few days (sometimes as often as daily, sometimes as infrequently as once every two weeks). My first book, Bone Fragments came out in August, and my second, a collection of love poems called Ventricle, Atrium, will be released in January.

I read a healthy mix of things, but sci-fi, poetry, and historical fiction grace my bookshelf frequently.

Facebook: http://facebook.com/gabrielgadflypoetry
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gabrielgadfly
Goodreads: http://goodsreads.com/gabrielgadfly

message 15: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Hornby (goodreadscomuser_jeanettehornby) | 16 comments Nice to meet you guys :)

message 16: by Heidi R. (last edited Dec 20, 2011 08:13AM) (new)

Heidi R. Name: Heidi

Place: Houston, TX

Reader or Writer: Voracious Reader

Reading: The Red Cross of Gold XXV: The Ancient Evil (Assassin Chronicles) by Brendan Carroll

Favorite Book: I have many favorite books ranging from historical fiction, fantasy, horror, suspence, and pretty much anything that's not non-fiction. If the writer is good and I can escape into the story, I'll read it.

message 17: by Orangejuice (new)

Orangejuice | 1 comments Hi, I'm a newbie. Just finished a great book called A Life Lived Ridiculously.
Everyone must read it, especially if you are interested in mental illness

message 18: by Lee (new)

Lee Holz Name: Lee Holz

Place: a farm in Western Pennsylvania

Reader/Writer: both

Latest Release: Impediments

Guilty Pleasure: police procedurals

Favorite Book: Emma

Currently Reading: The Detachment

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lee.Holz.Far...

Webstite: http://www.rleeholz.com

Goodreads: Lee Holz

message 19: by Chris (new)

Chris Griffith (CAGriffith) | 4 comments Name: Chirs Griffith

Place: Georgia

Reader/Writer: Both

Summer Release: Code of Misconduct (Crime Thriller)

Website: www.authorcagriffith.com

Happy to meet everyone!

message 20: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Slotto (liv2write2day) | 3 comments Name: Victoria C. Slotto

Place: Reno, NV and Palm Desert, CA

Reader/Writer: Both

Latest Release: "Winter is Past" Lucky Bat Books

Website: www.victoriacslotto.com

Blog: http://liv2write2day.wordpress.com/ fiction, poetry, writing how-to

Favorite Authors: too many to name. I'll go with Harper Lee. Literary fiction.

Currently Reading: Bonhoffer: Pastor, Martyr, Spy by Eric Metaxes

Other interests: Painting, Writing, Golf, Writing, Dog-Lover, Writing

I look forward to being a part of this group and reading your work.

message 21: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Slotto (liv2write2day) | 3 comments Welcome, Mark and good luck with your book.

message 22: by Ottilie (new)

Ottilie (ottilie_weber) | 42 comments Good Idea :)

Name: Ottilie Weber

Place: New Jersey

Reader or Writer: avid reader when out of school and author of 2.5 young adult stories (2 novels, and 1 short story in a collection)

Latest Release: Family Ties

Reading: What happened to goodbye Sarah Dessen

Favourite Book: only one??? DEadly Little Voices, I'm really liking What happened to goodbye, Project 17, Tithe Great and Terrible Beauty...I'll stop myself



message 23: by Cassie (new)

Cassie (shadowkissedcassie) | 6 comments I'm Cassie and my fav book is the Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. My passion is reading and my favs are paranormal romances, YA, and fantasy. Please feel free to stop by my blog http://shadowkissedcassie.blogspot.com/

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Name: Georgina Anne Taylor

Place: Tasmania (little island south of Australia)

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: The Taint: Octavia

Reading: Snuff By Terry Pratchett

Favourite Book: I can't decide, too many.

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gothicwriter
Website: http://www.georginaannetaylor.com/
Blog: http://www.georginaannetaylor.com/geo...

message 25: by Mia (new)

Mia Darien (mia_darien) Name: Mia Darien

Place: New England

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: "Cameron's Law (An Adelheid Story)"

Reading: 'Hidden' by Shalini Boland

Favourite Book: That's a very hard question. I have a fantastic audio version of "Dracula" that I have listened to, in addition to reading it on paper, over and over. So that could be. Or "The Firebringer Trilogy" by Meredith Anne Pierce... Or Joe Abercrombie... I can't choose!

Website & Blog: http://www.miadarien.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/mia_darien
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/author.miadarien
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MiaDarien

message 26: by Charles (new)

Charles I'm Charles Brownson, a writer and book artist -- meaning I make handmade books (paper and binding, text and artwork, design and typesetting all mine). They're free for download on my website http://ocotilloarts.com where there's also a link to my blog. Lately I've been experimenting with serializing a novel on the blog, with some success. There are some e-books there, and some print-on-demand experiments. I live in Arizona.

message 27: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (alabow) | 2 comments Hi Everyone!

Name: Amanda Labow

Place: Ontario, Canada

I love reading, it is my escape, when things are too stressful or I am feeling down I pick up a novel and shut out the real world.

Currently Reading: Scent of Double Deception

Guilty Pleasure: Romance Novels, and Crime Shows

Favourite Book: Impossible to choose just one!

message 28: by Melissa (last edited Mar 04, 2012 12:30PM) (new)

Melissa (lameliescribe) Hello!

Name: Melissa Vizcarra

Place: Lima, Peru

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: (Still in progress)

Reading: Letters to a young novelist (Mario Vargas Llosa)

Favourite Book: Hard question! So many of them. I guess I'd rather say who my favorite author is: All of the Latinamerican boom authors (Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortázar, etc.), Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Henry James, Ian McEwan, Paul Auster, Virginia Woolf, Flaubert, Goethe, Alexandre Dumas, Alfred Tennyson, Walter Scott, J.K. Rowling, Tolkien, Umberto Eco and I could go on forever I think!

Twitter: @meli_vizcarra
Blog (in Spanish): melissavizcarra.blogspot.com

message 29: by Sherri (last edited Mar 06, 2012 05:25PM) (new)

Sherri Moorer (sherrithewriter) Name: Sherri Fulmer Moorer

Place: Columbia, SC (Southeast USA)

Reader or Writer: Both

Upcoming Release: Anywhere But Here. Jana Lanning battles the demon of depression - literally! Coming in April.

Reading: Moonseed, by Stephen Baxter. So far, it's ok.

Favorite Book: The Bible, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (J.R.R. Tolkein), The Dark Elf Trilogy (R.A. Salvatore)

Must See TV Show: Supernatural

Interesting Fun Face: I have 3 birds. Two sun conures named Zack and Chloe and a budgie named Ollie.

Find me online at:

message 30: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 1784 comments Mod
Sherri wrote: "Name: Sherri Fulmer Moorer

Place: Columbia, SC (Southeast USA)

Reader or Writer: Both

Upcoming Release: Anywhere But Here. Jana Lanning battles the demon of depression - literally! Coming in Apr..."

A fellow Supernatural fan, awesome.

message 31: by Thayer (last edited Mar 19, 2012 10:31PM) (new)

Thayer Berlyn | 45 comments Hi, my name is Thayer and I am a writer of mystery and suspense novels, each with shades of the paranormal.

I am both a writer and a reader and a devotee of classic films...especially Bette Davis films!

My current book release is, The Evangeline Heresy, and I am currently rereading, The Tao Of Pooh.

I am from St. Paul, Minnesota.

message 32: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Hornby (goodreadscomuser_jeanettehornby) | 16 comments Hi everyone,
Nice to meet you all. You'll find me at the top of the page.
Here's my blog http://jeanettehornbybooks.blogspot.c...

message 33: by María (new)

María Fersay (mariafersay) Hello, my name is Maria, I'm from Mexico City.

I'm a writer, mainly poetry, I'd love to meet you all and know about your experience with the writing journey.

My favorite novel is Don Quixote, my favorite poets are E.E. Cummings, Quevedo, T.S. Eliot, Auden, Neruda... ahh, this is an endless list. Anyway, it's nice to be here.

message 34: by Jason (new)

Jason Baldwin-Stephens | 69 comments Hi Everyone.

Name: Jason Baldwin-Stephens

Place: New England

Writer or Reader: Both

Latest Release: Days Like These

Currently Reading: The Martian Chronicles and Wizards and Glass

Favourite Book: That's hard to narrow down but were I to choose just one it would be either: The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway, Something Wicked This Way Comes by Bradbury, The Stand by Stephen King or To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

message 35: by Cristy (new)

Cristy (cristywatson) | 1 comments Name: Cristy Watson

Place: British Columbia, Canada

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: Living Rough (Orca Books, October, 2011) and Benched (Orca Books, March, 2011) - these novels are both YA fiction for reluctant readers

Reading: Jazz by Toni Morrison

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/...

Random fact: My latest writing endeavour includes a talking parrot based on the pet I had as a teen

message 36: by Blake (new)

Blake Hoy Name: Blake Hoy
Place: British Columbia, Canada
Reader and Aspiring Writer
Reading: Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks and Skeleton Crew by Stephen King
Favorite book: IT by Stephen King

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

Author name: Malla Duncan
Place: Cape Town, South Africa
Write: contemporary women's thriller fiction
Favourite authors: Nicci French, Stephen King, Joanna Hines, Robert Harris, Donna Tartt, Rumer Godden, Sarah Waters, Rose Tremain - among many others
Currently reading: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
Special point: have been writing for 40 years (yip) and still love the process.

message 38: by B.J. (new)

B.J. Kurtz | 5 comments Name: BJ Kurtz

Place: Arizona, USA

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: The Lord of Nightmares

Reading: Blood Rites by Jim Butcher

Favorite Book: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt



Random Fact: While I love to write and wish to make a living off it, I actually teach High School Math for a living.

message 39: by Jaye (new)

Jaye Frances | 40 comments Name: Jaye Frances

Place: Gulf coast of Florida (so far, we're still part of the U.S.)

Reader or Writer: Both, though writing usually takes priority

Latest Release: "The Cruise - All That Glitters", a romantic comedy for adults (i.e., some mature language and adult situations)

(One of my) Favorite Books: Illusions

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/...

Blog: http://blog.jayefrances.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jayefrancesau...

Website: http://www.jayefrances.com

Jaye Frances


The Cruise - All That Glitters

The Possibilities of Amy

message 40: by Mr. (last edited Jun 21, 2012 10:55PM) (new)

Mr. E (mrefans) | 4 comments Mr. E was born and raised inside a small, wooden house in the southern “hood” of Atlanta. His childhood backyard was separated from the city funeral home by a rickety and easily scaled wooden fence further spurring his childhood fascination with the macabre. Mr. E wrote a comic series at age 12 and penned, directed and acted in numerous home movies with his brother for over a decade. He joined the Army his senior year of high school and was loved and hated by his military superiors for being fiercely independent, outspoken and an extremely influential member of his unit during his service. Mr. E has survived many near death experiences including nearly being swept over a waterfall, falling from a collapsing mountain trail in the black of night and nearly being bombarded by the Russian Army all of which have inspired many of his stories. He married his wife days after being snowed in atop Blood Mountain and now lives in the southeastern U.S.

Find me on http://www.facebook.com/MREFANS! I love to review work and just talk send me a message!

message 41: by Kayla (new)

Kayla (sweetlykayla) Name: Kayla Massey

Place: Texas, U.S.

Reader or Writer: Big reader, casual writer

Reading: In Too Deep, Amanda Grace

Favourite Book: The Book Thief, Markus Zusak

I'm 15, I love words, and I want to be an editor at Random House.

message 42: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Lawston (andrewlawston) | 22 comments Name: Andrew K Lawston

Place: London

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: Something Nice - 10 Stories

Reading: Whispers Under Ground

Favourite Book: Reaper Man


message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Name: Charmaine Shifaw

Place: Pennsylvania, US

Reader or Writer: Both, but I'm more of a Writer ;D

Reading: Nothing at the moment :( I'm actually working on a book of my own and if I read too much the other author's voice pops up in my writing

*Extra fact: I'm graduating as an illustration major in 2013! P.S. I drew my profile pic XD

Here's my Blog:

and its full of all that quirky goodness

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/charmaine.shifaw

And there you have it :D

message 44: by N.L. (new)

N.L. Armitage (formerlyfromtokyo) | 6 comments Name: N. L. Armitage (pen name)

Place: Formerly from Tokyo

Reader or Writer: absolutely love both

Reading: currently re-reading The Memoirs of Cleopatra (I LOVE Margaret George's monster-sized books!)

My work: a dark romance series called Gravitation, which I've been writing over 9 years

My blog: http://nariadarcia.blogspot.com/

FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gravit...

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/12...

Fun/strange fact(s): formerly taught English in Japan; prefer anonymity but would like my work to be very successful, am shy about networking

Nice to meet you all! v(^_^)v

message 45: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (ashleyjeffery) | 4 comments Name: Ashley Jeffery

Place: California

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: The Wild Hunt The Wild Hunt by Ashley Jeffery

Reading: Hourglass-Myra Mcentire

Favorite Books: Carrie-Steven King, Anna Dressed in Blood-Kendare Blake, too many to pick just one.

Book Blog: http://thewildhuntseries.blogspot.com/

Author Blog: http://ashleyjeffery.blogspot.com/

FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Wil...


message 46: by P.G. (new)

P.G. Bell Name: P.G. (Peter) Bell

Place: Cardiff, UK

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: "The Trinket", in the anthology "The Phantom Queen Awakes". http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/78...

Currently Reading: "The Year of the Griffin" by Diana Wynne Jones

Favourite Books: "Castle in the Air" by Diana Wynne Jones; "On Writing" by Steven King; "Mortal Engines" by Philip Reeve... there are countless others, but they change on a regular basis!

Website: http://www.impossiblepodcasts.com

FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/impossiblepod...

(I'm editor of the "Stories in Print" podcasts thread).

message 47: by Wen-Szu (new)

Wen-Szu Lin (wenszu) | 5 comments Name: Wen-Szu Lin

Place: Beijing, China but currently in Manila

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: First non-fiction book about my experiences of opening up the brand Auntie Anne's Pretzels in China is due to come out in Dec 2012.

Reading: What the Dog Saw by Malcom Gladwell

Website: http://www.babycolumbus.com (personal project to make sure that my daughter will be able to know multiple languages)

message 48: by A.L. (last edited Nov 01, 2012 12:50PM) (new)

A.L. Butcher (alb2012) | 69 comments Name Alex

Place Bristol, UK

Reader and Writer

Published Book- The Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles-Book 1- adult dark fantasy/fantasy romance

Fav book- Count of Monte Christo, Phantom of the Opera, Wuthering Heights, LOTR, Hobbit, Watership Down, etc

Short story and 2 poems in Splendid Salmagundi

WIP- Shining Citadel- Book 2 of the Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles

message 49: by Margaret (last edited Nov 19, 2012 01:50AM) (new)

Margaret Sharp (margaretlynettesharp) | 35 comments Name: Margaret Lynette Sharp

Place: Sydney, Australia

Writer and reader.

Six self published books: the latest is Long and Short Australian Stories.

Favourite book: All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot.

My blog is margaretlynettesharp Wordpress.

Currently between books. Last read 'Gardening on the Wild Side' by Angus Stewart. Update: reading 'Unlikely Friendships'.

Working on my seventh volume: a collection of vignettes.

Married to my editor, Ronald Sharp, the Sydney Opera House Organ Builder.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Name: Isis Sousa

Place: Snillfjord, Norway

Reader or Writer: Both

Latest Release: Art of Isis Sousa & Guests

Reading: Norse Mythology... Lindow

Favourite Book: several...

Goodreads: Isis Sousa

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