Q&A with Nicole Williams discussion

How long does it take to write?

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message 1: by Blaise (new)

Blaise (blaiseh) This is more my curiosity, but do you write relentlessly or do you let things fall away for a while? Strict story monogamy or are you writing several at a time?

Me personally, I have several threads that I go months or even years without touching. But I'm not really a "writer" (I haven't really earned that yet). The thing is, they never really go away. I can pick them right back up and start working on them again.

So my question then, dear writers, is how do you write?

message 2: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Williams | 20 comments Mod
I work on one project on a time, sometimes two. I'm working on two projects right now (Fallen Eden and a short story which will be a part of a short story collection with five other authors) and they're both due within a week of each other. Let's just say I'm a little out of whack, lack of sleep mainly to blame!

I simply can't seem to work on two entirely different novels during the same time period because I can't detach myself from the characters in one book in order to attach myself to the characters in another.

I wish I could sometimes, especially when my WIP is being difficult, which it usually is fifty percent of the time!

Great question, by the way, and thanks for asking.

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