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Love Inspired > Wedding Bell Blessings Series

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message 1: by Abbie (new)

Abbie (weatherlover1) | 235 comments Mod
I was doing some sorting of my read book folders and I came across some great books I have read. This series was a fun read.

An Unexpected Match (Steeple Hill Love Inspired (Large Print)) by Dana Corbit His Christmas Bride by Dana Corbit Wedding Cake Wishes (Steeple Hill Love Inspired (Large Print)) by Dana Corbit

by Dana Corbit

message 2: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (texasaggieteacher) | 101 comments agreed. I like the series too!

message 3: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) Hmm. I've only read one book by Dana Corbit, A Hickory Ridge Christmas, and it was okay but not amazing. But these look much more interesting!

message 4: by Patsy (new)

Patsy | 5 comments These books look good. Look at that wedding cake on the cover! Will have to check them out.

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (texasaggieteacher) | 101 comments Patsy wrote: "These books look good. Look at that wedding cake on the cover! Will have to check them out."

you will like them

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